OAR 416-530-0040
Foster Parent Qualifications

Applicants must:


Be at least 21 years of age;


Meet the qualifications and standards described in these rules and OAR chapter 416, division 800;


Certify in writing that the applicant meets the qualifications and standards described in these rules and OAR chapter 416, division 800 and has disclosed all potentially disqualifying information to OYA;


Be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States;


Demonstrate the following personal qualifications:


Be a responsible, stable, emotionally mature adult who exercises sound judgment and displays the capacity to meet the mental, physical and emotional needs of youth offenders placed in foster care.


Understand the behaviors of youth offenders.


Have knowledge and understanding of non-punitive discipline and ways of helping a youth offender build positive personal relationships, self-control, and self-esteem.


Have respect for persons with differing values, lifestyles, philosophies, religious, and cultural identity and heritage.


Be able to realistically evaluate which youth offenders they can accept, work with, and integrate into their family.


Have supportive ties with family, friends, the neighborhood, and the community.


Provide appropriate supervision to ensure community safety.


Be physically and mentally able to perform the duties of foster care;


OYA may require a medical statement from a physician verifying that the applicant or any member of the household is physically capable of supervising and caring for youth offenders.


In the case of alcohol or substance abuse, the applicant must be able to provide evidence that the applicant has been substance-free and sober for at least two years prior to making application for certification.


Be free from a professional or personal conflict of interest. If the applicant is an OYA staff or works in a professional capacity which may contribute to a conflict of interest, the application and home study must be approved by the OYA Community Services Assistant Director, or designee; and


Not have any documented incidents of abuse or neglect that resulted in a founded disposition by the Department of Human Services (DHS). OYA will conduct OR-Kids, checks at the time of certification and re-certification, at the time a foster home certified by another agency wishes to serve OYA youth offenders, and when OYA deems it necessary for the safety of youth offenders in the home.

Source: Rule 416-530-0040 — Foster Parent Qualifications, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-530-0040’s source at