OAR 416-530-0140
Certification Standards for Private Youth Care Agencies: Youth Offender Proctor Home Requirements


The Private Child-caring Agency must ensure that its youth offender proctor homes meet the standards of OAR chapter 416, divisions 335, 500, 530 and 800.


The Private Child-caring Agency must develop and maintain written agreements with proctor parents providing proctor care. These agreements must be approved by OYA prior to placement of OYA youth offenders in the proctor home and must address the following:


Supervision responsibilities


Proctor parents may, with the Private Child-caring Agency’s prior written consent, schedule 48 hours per month of time away from youth offender care responsibility.


At least one certified proctor parent or certified respite provider must be on premises at all times that youth offenders are present in the home.


Reporting requirements


Proctor parents must maintain daily required documentation and submit reports to Private Child-caring Agency as required on each youth offender in placement.


Proctor parents with whom youth offenders are placed must contact Private Child-caring Agency staff immediately in the case of emergencies.

Source: Rule 416-530-0140 — Certification Standards for Private Youth Care Agencies: Youth Offender Proctor Home Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-530-0140’s source at