OAR 461-160-0010
Use of Resources in Determining Financial Eligibility

Countable (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) resources are used to determine eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) as follows:


In the EA program, the countable resources of a financial group (see OAR 461-110-0530 (Financial Group)) are used to reduce benefits.


In the ERDC, QMB-DW, REF, REFM, and TANF programs, a need group (see OAR 461-110-0630 (Need Group)) is not eligible for benefits if the financial group has countable resources above the resource limit (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)).


In the SNAP program, unless categorically eligible (see OAR 461-135-0505 (Categorical Eligibility for SNAP)), a need group is not eligible for benefits if the financial group has countable resources above the resource limit (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)).


In the OSIP (except OSIP-EPD) and OSIPM (except OSIPM-EPD) programs:


An individual is not eligible for benefits if the financial group has countable resources above the resource limit (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)).


The following provisions apply when a child (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) who is not assumed eligible (see OAR 461-135-0010 (Assumed Eligibility for Medical Programs)) is applying:


As used in the subsection, “ineligible parent” means a parent (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) who is not receiving SSI or TANF.
(B) As used in this section, “parental resources” means the countable resources of:
(i) Each ineligible parent (see paragraph (A) of this subsection) in the financial group of the child; and
Each spouse (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) of an ineligible parent in the financial group of the child.


The parental resources (see paragraph (B) of this subsection) are deemed available to the child. The amount deemed available to the child is the amount the parental resources exceed the resource limit (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)) of:
A one-person need group, if one parent (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) lives in the household of the child; or
A two-person need group, if two parents (or one parent and the spouse (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) of that parent) live in the household of the child.
(D) If more than one child is applying, the value of the deemed resources is divided evenly between the applying children. If an applying child is determined to be ineligible for OSIPM for any reason including excess resources resulting from deeming, no resources are deemed to that child. Any resources deemed to an applying child determined to be ineligible for OSIPM are deemed equally to other applying children.
(E) The parental resources are not deemed available to a non-applying child.
(F) The value of the parental resources is subject to deeming whether or not those resources are available to the child.


In the OSIP-EPD and OSIPM-EPD programs:
(a) A need group is not eligible for benefits if the financial group has countable resources above the resource limit (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)).


Any money in an approved account (see OAR 461-001-0035 (Definitions; OSIP-EPD and OSIPM-EPD)) is excluded during the determination of eligibility.


Assets purchased from moneys in an approved account are excluded, provided they meet the requirements of OAR 461-145-0025 (Approved Accounts; OSIPM-EPD).


Assets purchased as employment and independence expenses (see OAR 461-001-0035 (Definitions; OSIP-EPD and OSIPM-EPD)) are excluded, provided they meet the requirements of OAR 461-145-0025 (Approved Accounts; OSIPM-EPD).


In the QMB-BAS, QMB-SMB, and QMB-SMF programs, all resources are excluded and have no effect on eligibility (see OAR 461-160-0015 (Resource Limits)).

Source: Rule 461-160-0010 — Use of Resources in Determining Financial Eligibility, .

Use of Resources in Determining Financial Eligibility
Resource Limits
Overview of Costs
Dependent Care Costs
Medical Costs That Are Deductible
Use of Rounding in Calculating Benefit Amount
Benefits for Less Than a Full Month
Employment and Independence Expenses
How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits
How Income and Resources are Used to Determine Eligibility and Benefit for EA
Earned Income Deduction
Determining Eligibility and Calculating Payment
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits for ERDC
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits
Use of Income and Income Deductions When There Are Ineligible or Disqualified Group Members
Medical Deduction
Shelter Cost
Income Deductions
Use of Income to Determine Benefits
Determining Income Eligibility
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Excluded Resource
Excluded Resource
Assessment of Resources
Availability of Income
Client Liability
Income Deductions and Client Liability
Deduction for Maintaining a Home
Determining Adjusted Income
Determining Participant Fee
Excluded Resources for Payments Received Under a Qualified Partnership Policy
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-160-0010’s source at