OAR 461-160-0100
How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits; REF, SFPSS, TANF


In the REF and TANF programs, countable (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) income and adjusted income (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) are compared to the standards in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF) to determine eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)) and benefit amount.


This section applies to filing groups that do not include an ineligible noncitizen with income. For filing groups that include an ineligible noncitizen with income, see section (3) of this rule.


For individuals not eligible for the Exit Limit Increase (ELI) Standards in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3), compare the countable income of the financial group (see OAR 461-110-0530 (Financial Group)) to the applicable Countable Income Limit Standard for the need group (see OAR 461-110-0630 (Need Group)) in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(2).


If countable income equals or exceeds the applicable standard, the need group is not eligible.


If countable income is less than the applicable standard, compare the adjusted income of the financial group to the Adjusted Income Limit Standard for the need group in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(4):
If the adjusted income equals or exceeds the applicable standard, the filing group is not eligible.
If the adjusted income is less than the applicable standard, determine the benefit amount as provided in subsection (c) of this section.


For individuals eligible for the ELI in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3), compare the countable income of the financial group to the ELI for the need group in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3).


If countable income equals or exceeds the applicable ELI standard, the need group is not eligible.


If countable income is less than the applicable ELI standard, determine the benefit amount as provided in subsection (c) of this section.


Subtract adjusted income from the applicable Payment Standard for the benefit group (see OAR 461-110-0750 (Benefit Group)) in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(5). The remainder is the benefit amount except as provided in OAR 461-165-0060 (Minimum Benefit Amount; REF, SNAP, TANF).


Income of an ineligible noncitizen in a financial group is prorated as provided in subsection (d) of this section. Income received by all other members of the financial group who meet the citizenship requirements in OAR 461-120-0110 (Citizenship and Alien Status Requirements) is not prorated. The combined countable income is treated as provided in this section:


For individuals not eligible for the ELI in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3), compare the countable income of the financial group to the applicable Countable Income Limit Standard for the need group in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(2).


If countable income equals or exceeds the applicable standard, the filing group is not eligible.


If countable income is less than the applicable standard, compare the adjusted income of the financial group to the applicable Adjusted Income Limit Standard for the need group in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(4):
If adjusted income equals or exceeds the applicable standard, the filing group is not eligible.
If adjusted income is less than the applicable standard, determine the benefit amount as provided in subsection (c) of this section.


For individuals eligible for the ELI in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3), compare the countable income of the financial group to the ELI for the need group in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(3).


If countable income equals or exceeds the ELI, the need group is not eligible.


If countable income is less than the ELI, determine the benefit amount as provided in subsection (c) of this section.


Subtract the total of the prorated income (see subsection (d) of this section) of all ineligible noncitizens and adjusted income of all other members of the filing group from the applicable Payment Standard in OAR 461-155-0030 (Income and Payment Standards; REF, TANF)(5) for the benefit group. The remainder is the benefit amount except as provided in OAR 461-165-0060 (Minimum Benefit Amount; REF, SNAP, TANF).


Prorate adjusted income used in subsection (c) of this section that belongs to an ineligible noncitizen by dividing it by the number in the need group and multiplying it by the number in the benefit group.


In the REFM program:


”Adjusted income” is defined as countable income minus the earned income deduction and all medical-related expenses incurred during the month of application.


Only the “adjusted income” in subsection (a) of this section is compared to the standards in OAR 461-155-0225 (Income Standard; REFM) to determine eligibility (see OAR 461-001-0000 (Definitions for Chapter 461)).

Source: Rule 461-160-0100 — How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits; REF, SFPSS, TANF, .

Use of Resources in Determining Financial Eligibility
Resource Limits
Overview of Costs
Dependent Care Costs
Medical Costs That Are Deductible
Use of Rounding in Calculating Benefit Amount
Benefits for Less Than a Full Month
Employment and Independence Expenses
How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits
How Income and Resources are Used to Determine Eligibility and Benefit for EA
Earned Income Deduction
Determining Eligibility and Calculating Payment
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits for ERDC
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits
Use of Income and Income Deductions When There Are Ineligible or Disqualified Group Members
Medical Deduction
Shelter Cost
Income Deductions
Use of Income to Determine Benefits
Determining Income Eligibility
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Excluded Resource
Excluded Resource
Assessment of Resources
Availability of Income
Client Liability
Income Deductions and Client Liability
Deduction for Maintaining a Home
Determining Adjusted Income
Determining Participant Fee
Excluded Resources for Payments Received Under a Qualified Partnership Policy
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-160-0100’s source at