OAR 461-160-0055
Medical Costs That Are Deductible; OSIP, OSIPM, and SNAP


This rule applies to SNAP filing group (see OAR 461-110-0370 (Filing Group; SNAP)) members who are elderly (see OAR 461-001-0015 (Definitions; SNAP)) or who have a disability (see OAR 461-001-0015 (Definitions; SNAP)), and to clients in the OSIP and OSIPM programs.


Medical costs are deductible to the extent a deduction is authorized in OAR 461-160-0415 (Medical Deduction; SNAP) and 461-160-0430 (Income Deductions; SNAP) and in this rule.


Health and hospitalization insurance premiums and coinsurance are deductible. In the OSIPM and SNAP programs, health insurance premiums paid less frequently than monthly may be prorated over the period covered by the premium.


In the OSIPM and SNAP programs:


Long-term care insurance premiums are deductible if the insurance pays for services while an individual is;


Receiving home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030 (Definitions; OSIP, OSIPM Long-Term Care or Home and Community-Based Care));


Receiving nursing facility services; or


In an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID).


A policy that is set up to pay a lump sum, similar to life insurance, is not deductible.


The cost of a medical service is deductible if it is;


Provided by, prescribed by, or used under the direction of a licensed medical practitioner; or


Except in the SNAP program, a medical necessity approved by the Department.


Medical deductions are also allowed for, among other things, the cost of:


Medical and dental care, including psychotherapy, rehabilitation services, hospitalization, and outpatient treatment.


Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications prescribed by a licensed practitioner, the annual fee for a drug prescription card, medical supplies and equipment, dentures, hearing aids, prostheses, and prescribed eyeglasses.


In the SNAP program, such items as the following:


Nursing care, nursing home care, and hospitalization, including payments for an individual who was a member of the filing group immediately prior to entering a hospital or a nursing home certified by the state. Deduction of these payments is also allowed for an individual who was a member of the filing group immediately prior to death if the remaining filing group members are legally responsible for payment of the expenses.


Services of an attendant, home health aid, housekeeper, or provider of dependent care necessary due to the client’s age or illness, including an amount equal to a one-person SNAP benefit group (see OAR 461-110-0750 (Benefit Group)) if the client furnishes the majority of an attendant’s meals.


Prescribed assistance animals (such as a Seeing Eye Dog, Hearing Dog, or Housekeeper Monkey) that have received special training to provide a service to the client. This deduction includes the cost of acquiring these animals, their training, food, and veterinarian bills.


Reasonable costs for transportation and lodging needed to obtain medical treatment or services.


Installment plan arrangements made before a bill becomes past due. The expense is not deducted if the client defaults and makes a second agreement.


In the SNAP program, the following costs, even if prescribed by a medical practitioner, are not allowable medical deductions:

Source: Rule 461-160-0055 — Medical Costs That Are Deductible; OSIP, OSIPM, and SNAP, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-160-0055.

Use of Resources in Determining Financial Eligibility
Resource Limits
Overview of Costs
Dependent Care Costs
Medical Costs That Are Deductible
Use of Rounding in Calculating Benefit Amount
Benefits for Less Than a Full Month
Employment and Independence Expenses
How Income Affects Eligibility and Benefits
How Income and Resources are Used to Determine Eligibility and Benefit for EA
Earned Income Deduction
Determining Eligibility and Calculating Payment
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits for ERDC
Use of Income to Determine Eligibility and Benefits
Use of Income and Income Deductions When There Are Ineligible or Disqualified Group Members
Medical Deduction
Shelter Cost
Income Deductions
Use of Income to Determine Benefits
Determining Income Eligibility
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Income Deductions
Excluded Resource
Excluded Resource
Assessment of Resources
Availability of Income
Client Liability
Income Deductions and Client Liability
Deduction for Maintaining a Home
Determining Adjusted Income
Determining Participant Fee
Excluded Resources for Payments Received Under a Qualified Partnership Policy
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-160-0055’s source at