OAR 848-040-0100

As used in this Division:


“Authentication” means the process by which the licensee reviews and validates the accuracy of the record entry. By authenticating a record entry, the licensee certifies that the services described were performed by the authenticating licensee or performed by a person under that licensee’s supervision.


“IDEA” means Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.


“IEP” means an Individualized Education Plan developed for a child/student qualified under the IDEA program.


“IFSP” means an Individualized Family Services Plan developed for a child qualified under the IDEA Early Intervention Program.


“Licensee” means a physical therapist or a physical therapist assistant and includes a temporary permit holder and an Oregon Compact Privilege holder.


“Patient” means one who seeks and receives physical therapy services. For purposes of these rules, patient may include a person receiving services in a home, by telehealth or clinical setting, a student in a school setting, a child receiving early intervention services, a resident of a care facility, or an animal.


“Permanent Record” means the final version of the record of each evaluation, reassessment or treatment provided to a patient which becomes part of the patient’s medical record.


“Physical therapy intervention” means a treatment or procedure and includes but is not limited to: therapeutic exercise; gait and locomotion training; neuromuscular reeducation; manual therapy techniques (including manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction, connective tissue and therapeutic massage, mobilization/manipulation of soft tissue or spinal or peripheral joints, and passive range of motion); functional training related to physical movement and mobility in self-care and home management (including activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)); functional training related to physical movement and mobility in work (job/school/play), community, and leisure integration or reintegration (including IADL, work hardening, and work conditioning); prescription, application, and, as appropriate, fabrication of devices and equipment (assistive, adaptive, orthotic, protective, or supportive); airway clearance techniques; integumentary repair and protective techniques; electrotherapeutic modalities; physical agents and mechanical modalities; and patient related instruction and education.


“Plan of care” means a written course of physical therapy treatment established by a physical therapist following an initial evaluation which integrates the evaluation data collected to determine the degree to which physical therapy interventions are likely to achieve anticipated goals and expected outcomes.


“Record” means a written or electronic account of the detailed information gathered from each evaluation, reassessment, and the treatment provided to a patient. This documentation may be used to create the separate, permanent record, or it may serve as the permanent record.


“Student” means a child ages 3 to 21 who are enrolled in an educational institution and who qualifies for services under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, or other designated plan of care, or child ages 0-2 who qualifies under the IDEA Early Intervention Program.


“Student PT or Student PTA” means a person enrolled in a CAPTE accredited physical therapist or physical therapist assistant program and who is providing patient care as part of the required clinical education.


“Telehealth service” means a physical therapy intervention, including assessment or consultation, that can be safely and effectively provided using synchronous two-way interactive video conferencing, or asynchronous video communication, in accordance with generally accepted healthcare practices and standards. For purposes of these rules, “telehealth service” also means, or may be referred to, as “telepractice, teletherapy, or telerehab.”


“Domiciled” a person is domiciled in this state if the person’s place of abode is in the state and the person intends to remain in the state or, if absent, to return to it.

Source: Rule 848-040-0100 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-040-0100’s source at