OAR 848-040-0145
Standards For Providing Treatment


A licensee shall not permit an aide to administer a task that is prohibited under OAR 848-020-0060 (Prohibited Treatment-Related Tasks), and shall not permit an aide to administer a non-prohibited procedure or modality to a patient unless a licensee has previously administered that procedure or modality to the patient.


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall perform, or attempt to perform physical therapy interventions only with qualified education and experience in that intervention.


Except as provided in OAR 848-015-0020 (Scope of Practice)(6), a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall not continue to provide treatment to a patient unless a reassessment has been performed when required by 848-040-0155 (Standards For Performing a Reassessment). However, a physical therapist assistant may provide treatment on the day a reassessment is required, so long as during that treatment day a physical therapist performs the required reassessment.


A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall provide treatment in accordance with the provisions of OAR 848-040-0105 (General Standards for Practice).


At all times there shall be a physical therapist supervising the treatment provided by a physical therapist assistant as provided in OAR 848-015-0020 (Scope of Practice)(2) or an aide as provided in 848-020-0000 (Definitions)(5). “Supervising physical therapist” means either the last physical therapist to see the patient, or the physical therapist designated as in-charge of the patient on the day the patient is being treated.

Source: Rule 848-040-0145 — Standards For Providing Treatment, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-040-0145’s source at