OAR 848-040-0105
General Standards for Practice


Licensees shall practice competently. A licensee practices competently when the licensee uses that degree of care, skill and diligence that would be used by a reasonable, careful and prudent licensee under the same or similar circumstances.


A physical therapist must immediately refer a patient to an appropriate medical provider if signs or symptoms are present that require treatment or diagnosis by such provider or for which physical therapy is contraindicated or if treatment for the signs or symptoms is outside the knowledge of the physical therapist or scope of practice of physical therapy.


A licensee shall not delegate to another person any task that the person is not legally authorized to perform or is not qualified by training and experience to perform.


A licensee shall not provide treatment intervention that is not warranted by the patient’s condition.


A licensee shall respect the privacy and dignity of the patient in all aspects of practice.


A licensee shall comply with the laws and rules governing the use and disclosure of a patient’s protected health information as provided in ORS 192.553 (Policy for protected health information)-192.581 (Allowed retention or disclosure of genetic information).


A licensee shall comply with the provisions of ORS 688.135 (Duties and responsibilities of physical therapist)(3) by displaying a copy of their current license in their place(s) of employment in a location accessible to public view, or by making a paper or electronic copy readily available upon request, or by displaying an electronic verification of current status from the Board’s website.

Source: Rule 848-040-0105 — General Standards for Practice, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-040-0105’s source at