OAR 848-040-0165
Standards For Discharging A Patient From Therapy


A physical therapist shall discharge a patient from an episode of physical therapy treatment when the therapist determines:


The patient has reached all physical therapy goals and additional goals are not identified;


The patient will not further benefit from physical therapy, regardless of whether additional visits are ordered or authorized;


The patient declines to continue treatment or self-discharges;


Physical therapy is contraindicated; or


The referring provider directs or instructs that the patient be discharged from the episode of treatment.


Only a physical therapist may make the decision to discharge a patient from therapy. A physical therapist shall not delegate the decision to discharge a patient to a physical therapist assistant or to an aide.


A physical therapist assistant shall not independently make the decision to discharge a patient from therapy. However, a physical therapist assistant may make recommendations regarding discharge to the supervising physical therapist based on the physical therapist assistant’s treatment of the patient.

Source: Rule 848-040-0165 — Standards For Discharging A Patient From Therapy, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 848-040-0165’s source at