OAR 918-695-0030
Journeyman Plumber Qualifications

Qualifications. The minimum qualifications to take the journeyman plumber’s certificate examination are:


Satisfactory completion of a minimum four-year plumbing apprentice program in Oregon; or


Equivalency requirements of at least four years academic training and on-the-job experience as an apprentice plumber, lawful journeyman plumber, or combination of both meeting the following minimum requirements:


General items. 144 hours of academic training per year for each of at least four years generally in the following as it applies to plumbing:


Materials, Tools, Equipment;


Mathematics, Science;


Soldering and Brazing;


Drainage (DWV) Installations;


Water Systems, Installations;


Safety and First Aid;


Blueprint Reading;


Seismic Restraints.


Specific items: Subject — Hours:


Sewerage: Sanitary and Storm Piping, Disposal:
Residential — 300;
Commercial — 300.


Drainage, Waste and Vent Piping (DWV):
Residential — 1,300;
Commercial — 1,300.


Soldering, Brazing, Welding:
Residential — 200;
Commercial — 200.


Water: Supply, Services, Mains, Appurtenances:
Residential — 1,100;
Commercial — 1,100.


Fixtures, Appliances, Trim and Supports:
Residential — 700;
Commercial — 700.


Miscellaneous Plumbing, Piping, Repair and Maintenance:
Residential — 250;
Commercial — 250.


Total Minimum Subject Hours:
Residential — 3,850;
Commercial — 3,850.


A person with more than the minimum hours in any one specific item category may substitute up to 20 percent of the excess hours to meet the related minimum residential or commercial experience requirements in the same category.

Source: Rule 918-695-0030 — Journeyman Plumber Qualifications, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-695-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-695-0030’s source at or​.us