OAR 918-695-0120
Limited Specialty Plumber Classification for Limited Maintenance Electrical Contractors


Authorization and Scope. This rule creates a limited specialty plumbing license to install and replace residential water heaters.


Persons Eligible for Licensing. A registered plumbing contractor also licensed under ORS 479.630 (Requirements for obtaining licenses) as an electrical limited maintenance specialty contractor can apply for this license. This allows licensing of:


An individual holding a Limited Maintenance Specialty Contractor License;


Officers or employees designated by a corporate Limited Specialty Contractor; or


Any partner where a partnership is the Limited Specialty Contractor.


Employees of a sole proprietor or of a partnership identified in subsections (2)(a) and (c) of this rule cannot be licensed under this rule.


Procedure for Licensing. An applicant for licensing shall:


Pay applicable fees;


Have the application signed by the plumbing-electrical contractor;


Attend an approved eight-hour training class for limited specialty residential water heater plumbing installation; and


Pass a division-approved examination.


Training Class and Examination Requirements.


A limited specialty residential water heater plumbing class shall cover the requirements for installation of residential water heaters and the related administrative and enforcement provisions in statutes, rules and codes to obtain Chief Plumbing Inspector approval.


The examination shall test applicant’s knowledge of the items covered in subsection (a) of this section.


Scope of Plumbing Authorized. As used in ORS 693.103 (Limited specialty plumbers)(2):


“Installation and replacement of one- or two-family dwelling residential water heaters” includes open (non-covered and not intended to be covered) plumbing work in a one- or two-family dwelling related to work listed in (A)-(C) below; that does not include any work that changes the location of the water heater.


Replacement or fuel conversion of an existing water heater, including:
(i) Conversion to a different fuel type;
(ii) Replacement of a storage tank water heater with an instantaneous on demand water heater; and
(iii) Replacement of an instantaneous on demand water heater with a storage tank water heater.


Installation of up to two nipples with no nipple exceeding six inches and flex piping not exceeding 96 inches for each of the cold and hot water connections; and


“Existing plumbing” means the exposed pre-installed approved cold water supply piping used or designed to connect to the water heater extending to the exposed cold water shut-off supply valve. If there is no cold water shut-off supply valve, “existing plumbing” extends to and includes the connected water heater and does not allow a replacement by a limited specialty plumbing licensee under these rules.


“Alteration of existing plumbing” means any changes to existing plumbing and includes installation or replacement of a cold water shut-off supply valve regardless of whether one was initially installed. Alterations are not authorized under these rules and the limited specialty plumbing license.

Source: Rule 918-695-0120 — Limited Specialty Plumber Classification for Limited Maintenance Electrical Contractors, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-695-0120.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-695-0120’s source at or​.us