OAR 918-695-0130
Limited Specialty Plumber Classification for Water Treatment Installers


Subject to permit requirements, a person holding this license is authorized to make connections to potable water systems and indirect waste connections to existing drain waste and vent systems.


This license does not authorize installation, alteration or remodel of drain, waste and vent piping systems.


Persons Eligible for Licensing. The requirements for licensing are:


Satisfactory completion of a minimum 18-month Oregon State Apprenticeship Program for Limited Specialty Plumber Water Treatment Installer; or


Equivalent lawful experience or training covering:


General items. 210 hours of experience and training in:
Materials, tools and equipment;
Mathematics and science;
Safety regulations — OSHA and state;
Soldering and brazing;
Basic first aid;
Blueprints and drawing training;
Indirect waste piping;
Water systems.


Specific training in: Subject — Hours:
Indirect Waste Piping — 250;
Water Supply, Services and Appurtenances — 1,000;
Pipe sizing;
Fixture unit calculations;
Pumps and pressure systems;
Design — Present and planned plumbing system;
Water Treatment Equipment Installation and Service — 1,750;
Backflow prevention;
Cross connection prevention;
Total Minimum Hours — 3,000.


Examination. Only a written examination shall be required for this license.

Source: Rule 918-695-0130 — Limited Specialty Plumber Classification for Water Treatment Installers, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-695-0130.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-695-0130’s source at or​.us