OAR 918-695-0125
Limited Specialty Plumber Certificate of Competency for Solar Heating and Cooling System Installers


Authorization and Scope. This rule creates a limited specialty plumbing certificate of competency to install and replace solar heating and cooling systems.


Persons eligible for licensing. The experience and training requirements for licensure are:


A minimum of 2,000 hours on-the-job verifiable experience installing solar heating or cooling systems prior to July 1, 2002 if the application is received between July 1, 2002 and July 1, 2004; or


Satisfactory completion of a division-approved training program for Limited Specialty Plumber Solar Heating and Cooling Installers that includes the following:


A minimum of 288 hours of classroom training; and


A minimum of 2,000 hours of supervised on-the-job training; or


Equivalent lawfully obtained experience and training covering:


General items — 500 hours of experience and training in:
Materials, tools and equipment;
Mathematics and science;
Soldering and brazing;
Safety and Basic first aid;
Blueprints and solar codes;
Water piping systems;
Basic electricity;
Administrative rules.


Specific training or work experience in:
Plumbing of solar thermal systems — 500 hours;
Installation of balance of system equipment — 500 hours;
Roof mounting and equipment installation — 500 hours;
Total Minimum — 2,000 hours.


Procedure for Licensing. An applicant for licensing shall:


Complete and sign the division application;


Provide verification of the required training or equivalent experience; and


Pay applicable fees;


Examination. All applicants must take and pass a division-approved written examination testing the requirements for installation of solar heating and cooling systems, and the related administrative and enforcement provisions.


Scope of Plumbing Authorized. The holder of a limited specialty plumber certificate of competency solar heating and cooling systems may:


Install and replace solar heating and cooling systems, including collectors, heat transfer systems, heat storage and associated piping related to:


Replacement or solar conversion of an existing water heating or cooling system;


Installation of collectors, heat transfer systems, storage tanks, pumps, valves and associated piping; and


May not connect a solar heating or cooling system to a potable water source. The connection of a solar heating or cooling system to a potable water source shall be made only by a licensed journeyman plumber.


Nothing in these rules shall prohibit a licensed journeyman plumber from installing, replacing or repairing solar heating and cooling systems.

Source: Rule 918-695-0125 — Limited Specialty Plumber Certificate of Competency for Solar Heating and Cooling System Installers, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=918-695-0125.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-695-0125’s source at or​.us