OAR 333-008-1110
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Locations of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; Dispensary Premises Restrictions and Requirements

(1) A dispensary may not be located:
(a) In an area that is zoned for residential use.
(b) At the same address as a registered marijuana grow site;
(c) Within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school, except as provided in ORS 475B.864 (Medical marijuana dispensary located within 1,000 feet of school); or
(d) Within 1,000 feet of another medical marijuana dispensary.
(2) For purposes of implementing ORS 475B.858 (Medical marijuana dispensary registration system)(3)(d), the Authority will consider a location to be a school if it has at least the following characteristics:
(a) Is a public or private elementary or secondary school as those terms are defined OAR 333-008-0010 (Definitions);
(b) There is a building or physical space where students gather together for education purposes on a regular basis;
(c) A curriculum is provided;
(d) Attendance is compulsory under ORS 339.020 (Duty to send children to school) or children are being taught as described in ORS 339.030 (Exemptions from compulsory school attendance)(1)(a); and
(e) Individuals are present to teach or guide student education.
(3) For purposes of determining the distance between a dispensary and a school “within 1,000 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 1,000 feet or less in any direction from the closest point anywhere on the boundary line of the real property comprising an existing public or private elementary or secondary school to the closest point of the premises of a dispensary. If any portion of the premises of a proposed or registered dispensary is within 1,000 feet of a public or private elementary or secondary school it may not be registered.
(4) For purposes of determining the distance between a dispensary and another registered dispensary “within 1,000 feet” means a straight line measurement in a radius extending for 1,000 feet or less in every direction from the closest point anywhere on the premises of a registered dispensary to the closest point anywhere on the premises of a proposed dispensary. If any portion of the premises of a proposed dispensary is within 1,000 feet of a registered dispensary it may not be registered.
(5) In order to be registered a dispensary must operate at a particular location as specified in the application and may not be mobile.
(6) Minors on Premises. A dispensary registrant may not permit a minor to be present in any limited access or point of sale area of a registered dispensary.
(7) On Premises Consumption.
(a) A dispensary registrant may not permit the ingestion, inhalation or topical application of a marijuana item anywhere on the premises of the registered dispensary, except as described in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) An employee of a registered dispensary who is a patient may consume a marijuana item during his or her work shift on the premises of the registered dispensary as necessary for his or her medical condition, if the employee is:
(A) Alone and in a closed room where no dispensary marijuana items are present;
(B) Not visible to patients or caregivers on the premises of the registered dispensary to receive a transfer of a marijuana item; and
(C) Not visible to the public outside the dispensary.
(c) For purposes of this section consume does not include smoking, combusting, inhaling, vaporizing, or aerosolizing a marijuana item.
(8) General Public and Visitor Access. The general public is not permitted on the premises of a registered dispensary, except as permitted by OAR 333-008-1500 and in accordance with this rule.
(a) In addition to registrant representatives, the following visitors are permitted on the premises of a dispensary, including limited access areas, subject to the requirements in section (9) of this rule:
(A) Laboratory personnel, if the laboratory is accredited by the Authority;
(B) A contractor authorized by a registrant representative to be on the premises; or
(C) Individuals authorized to transfer marijuana items to a registered dispensary.
(b) A registered dispensary may permit up to seven invited guests 21 years of age and older, per week, on the premises of a registered dispensary, including limited access areas, subject to the requirements in section (9) of this rule.
(9) Visitor Escort, Log and Badges.
(a) Prior to entering the premises of a registered dispensary all visitors permitted by section (8) of this rule must be documented and issued a visitor identification badge from a registrant representative that must remain visible while on the premises. All visitors described in section (8) of this rule must be accompanied by a registrant representative at all times.
(b) A dispensary registrant must maintain a log of all visitor activity and the log must contain the first and last name and date of birth of every visitor, and the date they visited.
(10) Government Access. Nothing in this rule is intended to prevent or prohibit Authority employees or contractors, or other state or local government officials that have jurisdiction over some aspect of the premises or a dispensary registrant to be on the premises.
(a) A visitor badge is not required for government officials.
(b) A dispensary must log every government official that enters the premises but the dispensary may not request that the government official provide a date of birth for the log.
(11) Limited Access Areas.
(a) All limited access areas must be physically separated from any area where the general public is permitted, by a floor to ceiling wall that prevents physical access between the limited access area and an area that is open to the general public except through a door that is kept locked by a dispensary when the door is not immediately in use.
(b) An applicant or registered dispensary may request, in writing, an exception from the Authority from the requirement to have a floor to ceiling wall. The request must include the reason the exception is being sought, pictures of the area in question, and a description of an alternative barrier that accomplishes the goal of providing a significant physical barrier between the general public and any marijuana items on the premises of the dispensary.
(12) A dispensary must have:
(a) A designated limited access area or areas where transfers of marijuana items are received and such an area may not be accessible to patients or designated primary caregivers on the premises to receive the transfer of a marijuana item or the general public; and
(b) A designated area within the premises where patients and designated primary caregivers and other visitors enter the dispensary and are checked in.
(13) The areas described in section (12) of this rule must be clearly marked on the scaled floor plan required in OAR 333-008-1020 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Application for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Registration).
(14) Point of Sale Areas.
(a) All point of sale areas must be physically separated from any area where the general public is permitted by a floor to ceiling wall that prevents physical access between a point of sale area and an area that is open to the general public except through a door that is kept locked by a dispensary when the door is not immediately in use.
(b) An applicant or registrant may request, in writing, an exception from the Authority from the requirement under subsection (a) of this section to have a floor to ceiling wall. The request must include the reason the exception is being sought, pictures of the area in question, and a description of an alternative barrier that accomplishes the goal of providing a significant physical barrier between the general public and any marijuana items on the premises of the dispensary.
(c) All areas where marijuana items are available for transfer to a patient or designated primary caregiver must be supervised by a dispensary representative at all times when a patient or designated primary caregiver is present.
(d) A dispensary may not transfer a marijuana item to a patient or designated primary caregiver through a drive-through window.
(15) A dispensary may not sublet or share with any other business any portion of the dispensary premises, except a registered processing site under common ownership.
(16) If a dispensary premises is located in a building or structure that includes residential, industrial, agricultural or other commercial uses, occupancies or tenant space, the dispensary premises and any other use, occupancy or tenant space must be completely separate with no communication of space or means of ingress or egress between the dispensary premises and any other use, occupancy or tenant space, except as follows:
(a) A dispensary may share a premises with a registered marijuana processing site that is under common ownership, in accordance with section (17) of this rule and OAR 333-008-2080 (General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Security Requirements).
(b) A dispensary is permitted to have a door from the dispensary premises that opens into a common space shared by other commercial uses, occupants, tenants or the public, but that is not exclusively under the control or possession of a single other commercial use, occupancy or tenancy, in accordance with section (17) of this rule.
(17) If a dispensary premises is located in a building or structure that includes residential, industrial, agricultural or other commercial uses, occupancies or tenant space and under section (16) of this rule ingress or egress is permitted, every means of ingress and egress must be:
(a) Through a door that is locked at all times, when not in immediate use, by a commercial grade lock, and that does not permit access by the public.
(b) Posted with signage in accordance with OAR 333-008-1205 (Registered Dispensary Signage), as applicable.
(c) Equipped with security and surveillance system coverage in accordance with OAR 333-008-2080 (General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Security Requirements) and 333-008-2100 (General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Required Camera Coverage and Camera Placement).
(18) Residential occupancy of a dispensary premises is prohibited.

Source: Rule 333-008-1110 — Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Locations of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; Dispensary Premises Restrictions and Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-008-1110.

New Registry Identification Card Application Process
Patient and PRMG New and Renewal Fees
Proof of Residency
Patient Application Review Process
Person Responsible for a Marijuana Grow Site Criteria
Approval of New and Renewal Patient Applications
Approval of New or Renewal PRMG and Grow Site Application
Denial of Patient Application
Denial of Designation of Caregiver or Person Responsible for a Marijuana Grow Site
Annual Renewal
Notification of Changes
Interim Addition or Change of Person Responsible for a Marijuana Grow Site or Grow Site Address
Timely Submission to the Oregon Health Authority
Permissible Amounts of Medical Marijuana for Patients and Caregivers
Designated Primary Caregivers and Organization or Facility Caregivers
Addition of Qualifying Diseases or Medical Conditions
Oregon Cannabis Commission
Request for Grandfathered Grow Site
Review of Petition For Grandfathered Grow Site
Approval of Petition for Grandfathered Grow Site
Denial of Petition for Grandfathered Grow Site
Requirements for Grandfathered Grow Sites
General Person Responsible for a Marijuana Grow Site Requirements
Grow Site Plant Limits
Designation of Plants at Grow Site Address
Usable Marijuana Possession Limits for a Person Designated to Produce Marijuana by a Patient
Personal Agreement
Permissible Transfers of Marijuana
Transfers from Commission Licensees
PRMG Labeling, Packaging and Testing Requirements
PRMG Documentation Requirements
Grow Site CTS Tracking
Grow Site Administrators for CTS Tracking
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: Monitoring and Investigations
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: Grow Site Inspections
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: Violations
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: Suspension and Revocation
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: Civil Penalties
OMMP Monitoring, Investigation, and Enforcement: General Powers
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Applicability
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Definitions
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Application for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Registration
Dispensary Fees
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Dispensary Application Review
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Dispensary Pre-Approval Inspection
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Denial of Dispensary Application
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Withdrawal of Dispensary Application
Expiration and Renewal of Dispensary Registration
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: PRD Criteria and Responsibilities
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Removal, Addition, Change, Designation or Assignment of PRD
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Locations of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Operation of Registered Dispensaries
Registered Dispensary Signage
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Transfers to a Registered Dispensary
Transfers From a Registered Dispensary to a Patient or Designated Primary Caregiver
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Registered Dispensary Record Keeping
Dispensary CTS Tracking
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries: Non-Profit Dispensaries
Medical Marijuana Processors: Applicability
Medical Marijuana Processors: Definitions
Medical Marijuana Processors: Application for Medical Marijuana Processing Site Registration
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processing Site Fees
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processing Site Application Review
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processing Site Pre-Approval Inspection
Medical Marijuana Processors: Denial of Processing Site Application
Medical Marijuana Processors: Withdrawal of Processing Site Application
Medical Marijuana Processors: Expiration and Renewal of Registration for Processing Site
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processing Site Endorsements
Medical Marijuana Processors: PRP Criteria and Responsibilities
Medical Marijuana Processors: Removal, Addition, Change, Designation or Assignment of PRP
Medical Marijuana Processors: Registered Processing Site Premises Restrictions and Requirements
Medical Marijuana Processors: Operation of Registered Processing Site
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processor Training Requirements
Medical Marijuana Processors: Transfers to a Registered Processing Site
Medical Marijuana Processors: Transfers from a Registered Processing Site
Medical Marijuana Processors: General Processing Site Health and Safety Requirements
Medical Marijuana Processors: Cannabinoid Edible Processor Requirements
Medical Marijuana Processors: Cannabinoid Concentrate and Extract Processor Requirements
Medical Marijuana Processors: Cannabinoid Topical, Tincture, Capsule, Suppository or Transdermal Patch Processor
Medical Marijuana Processors: Registered Processing Site Recordkeeping
Medical Marijuana Processors: Processing Site CTS Tracking
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Definitions
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Communication with the Oregon Health Authority
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Criminal Background Checks
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Notification of Changes
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Changing, Altering, or Modifying Licensed Premises
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Change in Location
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Secretary of State Registration Required
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Advertising Restrictions
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Security Requirements
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Video Surveillance Equipment
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Required Camera Coverage and Camera Placement
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Video Recording Requirements
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries Location and Maintenance of Surveillance Equipment
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: State and Local Safety Inspections
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: General Sanitary Requirements
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Foreclosure
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Inspections
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries Enforcement
General Requirements for Medical Marijuana Processing Sites and Dispensaries: Civil Penalties
Penalty Matrix
Medical Marijuana Records: Medical Marijuana Confidentiality
Medical Marijuana Records: System to Allow Verification of Data at All Times By State and Local Law Enforcement
OMMP Operations During Declared Emergency
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-008-1110’s source at or​.us