OAR 333-062-0080
Spa Pool Enclosure

A public spa pool license holder must ensure that:


A public spa pool is protected by an enclosure such as a fence, wall, or building without private entrances to the pool area; and


Spa pool enclosures including windows, gates and doors are constructed in such a manner so as to discourage or prevent access to the pool by unsupervised children and domestic animals and incorporate the following construction standards:


Enclosures shall not be less than four feet (1.2 m) in height measured from the outside ground at a point one foot (300 mm) horizontal from the base of the enclosure;


There shall be not more than four inches (100 mm) of space between the bottom of the enclosure and the ground’s surface or pool deck;


Separation between vertical sections and bars shall be a maximum of four inches (100mm);


Horizontal rails shall be spaced with a minimum 42 inches (1065mm) separation;


All exterior projections or recessions shall be 42 inches (1065mm) from either the top or bottom of the fence;


Gates and doors in spa enclosures shall be self-closing and shall be equipped with a lockable and self-latching device. The operating controls for the self-latching device shall be located at least 42 inches (1065 mm) above the exterior ground or pool deck. Gates and doors on new pools must swing “out” of the pool enclosure, or away from the pool. If an existing pool’s gates or door does not swing away from the pool, it must be changed when the change is not highly burdensome or impractical due to special conditions or cause


Entrances with self-closing and self-locking devices requiring the use of a key, keycard or combination code to gain access may have controls located at a minimum of 36 inches to 54 inches (0.9 m to 1.35 m) above the exterior ground surface. The gates or doors cannot require a key, keycard or combination code to exit the pool area;


Construction methods and materials shall be used that provide a durable and low maintenance structure;


Buildings enclosing public spa pools constructed on or after September 1, 2014 and buildings enclosing spa pools that are remodeled or renovated on or after September 1, 2014 shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code 2014 Edition.


When a pool is closed to patrons, all entry/exit points are to be properly maintained and secured against unauthorized entry.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 333-062-0080 — Spa Pool Enclosure, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-062-0080’s source at