OAR 333-510-0045
Nurse Staffing Posting and Record Requirements


On each hospital unit, a hospital shall post a complaint notice that:


Summarizes the provisions of ORS 441.152 (Nurse Staffing Advisory Board) to 441.177 (Posting of audit reports and civil penalties);


Is clearly visible to the public; and


Includes the Authority’s complaint reporting phone number, electronic mail address and website address.


A hospital shall also post an anti-retaliation notice on the premises that:


Summarizes the provisions of ORS 441.181 (Retaliation prohibited), 441.183 (Remedies for retaliation), 441.184 (Unlawful employment practices) and 441.192 (Notice of employment outside of hospital);


Is clearly visible; and


Is posted where notices to employees and applicants for employment are customarily displayed.


A hospital shall keep and maintain all records necessary to demonstrate compliance with ORS 441.152 (Nurse Staffing Advisory Board) to 441.177 (Posting of audit reports and civil penalties). These records shall:


Be maintained for no fewer than three years;


Be promptly provided to the Authority upon request; and


Include, at minimum:


The staffing plan;


The hospital nurse staffing committee charter;


Staffing committee meeting minutes;


Documentation showing how all members of the staffing committee were selected;


All complaints filed with the staffing committee;


Personnel files for all nursing staff positions that include, at minimum, job descriptions, required licensure and specialized qualifications and competencies required for the individual’s assigned nurse specialty or unit;


Documentation showing work schedules for nursing staff in each hospital nurse specialty or unit;


Documentation showing actual hours worked by all nursing staff;


Documentation showing all work schedule variances that resulted in the use of replacement nursing staff;


Documentation showing how many on-call hours, if any, required nursing staff to be on the hospital premises;


Documentation showing how many required meeting, education and training hours, if any, were required of nursing staff;


The hospital’s mandatory overtime policy and procedure;


Documentation showing how many, if any, overtime hours were worked by nursing staff;


Documentation of all waiver requests, if any, submitted to the Authority;


Documentation showing how many, if any, additional hours were worked due to emergency circumstances and the nature of those circumstances;


The list of on-call nursing staff used to obtain replacement nursing staff;


Documentation showing how and when the hospital updates its list of on-call staff used to obtain replacement nursing staff and how the hospital determines eligibility to remain on the list;


Documentation showing the hospital’s procedures for obtaining replacement nursing staff, including efforts made to obtain replacement staff;


Documentation showing the hospital’s actual efforts to seek replacement staff when needed;


Documentation showing each actual instance in which the hospital implemented the policy described in OAR 333-510-0110 (Nurse Staffing Plan Requirements)(2)(g) to initiate limitations on admission or diversion of patients to another hospital; and


All staffing committee reports filed with the hospital administration following a review of the staffing plan.

Source: Rule 333-510-0045 — Nurse Staffing Posting and Record Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-510-0045’s source at