OAR 333-510-0125
Replacement Nurse Staffing Requirements


A hospital must maintain and post or publish a list of on-call nursing staff that may be contacted to provide qualified replacement or additional nursing staff in the event of a vacancy or unexpected shortage. This list must:


Provide for sufficient replacement nursing staff on a regular basis; and


Be available to the individual who is responsible for obtaining replacement staff during each shift.


When developing and maintaining the on-call list, the hospital must explore all reasonable options for identifying local replacement staff and these efforts must be documented.


When a hospital learns about the need for replacement nursing staff, the hospital must make every reasonable effort to obtain adequate voluntary replacement nursing staff for unfilled hours or shifts before requiring a nursing staff member to work overtime and these efforts must be documented. Reasonable efforts include, but are not limited to:


The hospital seeking replacement nursing staff at the time the vacancy is known; and


The hospital contacting all available resources on its list of on-call nursing staff as described in this rule.

Source: Rule 333-510-0125 — Replacement Nurse Staffing Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-510-0125’s source at