OAR 333-510-0135
Nurse Staffing Plan Waiver


At a hospital’s request, the Authority may waive any staffing plan requirement set forth in ORS 441.155 (Written staffing plan for nursing services) provided that a waiver is necessary to ensure that the hospital is staffed to meet the health care needs of its patients.


All requests for a waiver must:


Be submitted to the Authority in writing;


State the reason or reasons for which the hospital is seeking the waiver;


Explain how the waiver is necessary for the hospital to meet patient health care needs; and


Include verification that the hospital notified the staffing committee of the request for a waiver prior to its submission.

Source: Rule 333-510-0135 — Nurse Staffing Plan Waiver, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-510-0135’s source at