OAR 333-510-0060
Patient Environment


A hospital shall provide for each patient:


A good bed, mattress, pillow with protective coverage, and necessary bed coverings;


Items needed for personal care; and


Separate storage space for clothing, toilet articles, and other personal belongings.


In multiple-bed rooms, opportunity for patient privacy shall be provided by flame retardant curtains or screens. In hospitals caring for pediatric patients, cubicle curtains or screens are not required for beds assigned these patients.


No patient shall be admitted to a bed in any room, other than one regularly designated as a bedroom or ward. The placing of a patient’s bed in a diagnostic room, treatment room, operating room or delivery room is expressly prohibited, except under emergency circumstances.


No towels, wash cloths, bath blankets, or other linen which comes directly in contact with the patient shall be interchangeable from one patient to another unless it is first laundered.


Temperature-controlled pads shall be so covered that the patient cannot be harmed by excessive heat or cold and carefully checked as to temperature and leakage. Electrical heating pads, blankets, or sheets shall be used only on the written order of the physician or other health care practitioner authorized by law.


The use of torn or unclean bed linen is prohibited.


In facilities caring for pediatric patients, an emergency signaling system for use by attendants summoning assistance and a two-way voice intercommunication system between the nurses’ station and rooms or wards housing pediatric patients shall be provided.

Source: Rule 333-510-0060 — Patient Environment, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-510-0060.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-510-0060’s source at