OAR 333-510-0110
Nurse Staffing Plan Requirements


Each hospital shall implement a written hospital-wide staffing plan for nursing services that is developed and approved by the hospital nurse staffing committee established in accordance with ORS 441.154 (Hospital nurse staffing committee) and OAR chapter 333 division 510 rules.


The staffing plan:


Must be based on the specialized qualifications and competencies of the nursing staff and provide for the skill mix and level of competency necessary to ensure that the hospital is staffed to meet the health care needs of patients;


Must be based on a measurement of hospital unit activity that quantifies the rate of admissions, discharges and transfers for each hospital unit and the time required for a direct care registered nurse belonging to a hospital unit to complete admissions, discharges and transfers for that hospital unit;


Must be based on total diagnoses for each hospital unit and the nursing staff required to manage that set of diagnoses;


Must be consistent with nationally recognized evidence-based standards and guidelines established by professional nursing specialty organizations such as, but not limited to: The American Association of Critical Care Nurses, American Operating Room Nurses (AORN), or American Society of Peri-Anesthesia Nurses (ASPAN);


Must recognize differences in patient acuity and nursing care intensity;


Must establish minimum numbers of nursing staff, including licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants, required on specified shifts, provided that no fewer than one registered nurse and one other nursing staff member is on duty in a unit when a patient is present;


Must include a formal process for evaluating and initiating limitations on admission or diversion of patients to another hospital when, in the judgment of a direct care registered nurse or a nurse manager, there is an inability to meet patient care needs or a risk of harm to patients;


May not base nursing staff requirements solely on external benchmarking data;


May not be used by a hospital to impose upon unionized nursing staff any changes in wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment unless the hospital first provides notice to and, upon request, bargains with the union; and


May not create, preempt or modify a collective bargaining agreement or require parties to an agreement to bargain over the staffing plan while a collective bargaining agreement is in effect.

Source: Rule 333-510-0110 — Nurse Staffing Plan Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-510-0110.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-510-0110’s source at