OAR 333-536-0070
Caregiver Qualifications and Requirements

The personal care provided by an agency shall be rendered by qualified and trained employees under the supervision of the administrator or designee. The services shall be provided as requested by the client or client’s representatives in accordance with these rules and the service plan.


The agency owner or administrator shall ensure that the agency has qualified and trained employees sufficient in number to meet the needs of the clients receiving services.


Caregivers must be at least 18 years of age and shall have sufficient communication and language skills to enable them to perform their duties and interact effectively with clients and other agency staff.


Caregivers shall complete an agency-specific orientation, conducted by the agency administrator or designee, before independently providing services to clients.


The orientation shall include, but not be limited to, the following subject areas:


Caregivers’ duties and responsibilities;


Clients’ rights;


Ethics, including confidentiality of client information;


The agency’s infection control policies;


A description of the services provided by the agency;


Assignment and supervision of services;


Documentation of client needs and services provided;


The roles of, and coordination with, other community service providers;


Information about what constitutes medication reminding and its specific limitations; and


Other appropriate subject matter based on the needs of the special populations served by the agency.


The content of the orientation, the date(s) and length, and the name(s) and signature(s) of the instructor(s) shall be clearly documented for each caregiver and maintained in personnel records.


Caregivers shall complete appropriate training and must have their competency evaluated and documented by the administrator or designee before independently providing services to clients.


Caregiver training shall be based on the services provided by the in-home care agency, including, as applicable, the following topics:


Caregivers’ duties and responsibilities;


Recognizing and responding to medical emergencies;


Dealing with adverse behaviors;


Nutrition and hydration, including special diets and meal preparation and service;


Appropriate and safe techniques in personal care tasks;


Methods and techniques to prevent skin breakdown, contractures, and falls;


Hand washing and infection control;


Body mechanics;


Maintenance of a clean and safe environment;


Fire safety and non-medical emergency procedures;


Assisting clients with self-directed or client representative-directed non-injectable medication administration; and


Providing basic non-injectable medication services as described in OAR 333-536-0075 (Medication Services).


The content of the training, the date(s) and length, and name(s) and signature(s) of the instructor(s) shall be clearly documented for each caregiver and maintained in personnel records.


Caregivers moving from one office to another in the same in-home care agency are not subject to additional training requirements, provided previous training is documented.


Caregivers who have completed training previously, and have documentation of that training, shall have their competency evaluated by an agency representative, and any potential training may be limited to areas requiring improvement after the evaluation.


Documentation of training and competency evaluation shall be included in the caregiver’s personnel record.


Caregivers shall receive a minimum of six hours of education related to caregiver duties annually. If a caregiver provides medication administration to a client, one additional hour of education shall be required annually related to providing medication administration.


Caregiver Selection and Review of Service Plan.


The skills of a caregiver must be matched with the care needs of a client. The administrator or designee must assign caregivers to specific clients based on the care needs of the clients and the skills of the caregivers.


The client’s service plan must be reviewed with each caregiver before the initial delivery of client care. The date of the review(s), the signature or a unique electronic identifier such as an individual’s log-in and password into a computer program or an electronic stamp of the agency administrator or designee and the list of assigned caregivers must be documented.


Caregivers must provide services to clients in accordance with the service plans.

Source: Rule 333-536-0070 — Caregiver Qualifications and Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-536-0070.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-536-0070’s source at or​.us