OAR 340-242-0050
Employee Commute Options Program: Definitions of Terms Used in These Rules

The definitions in OAR 340-200-0020 (General Air Quality Definitions), 340-204-0010 (Definitions) and this rule apply to 340-242-0010 (Employee Commute Options Program: What is the Employee Commute Options Program?) through 340-242-0290 (Employee Commute Options Program: What Kind of Records Must Be Kept and for How Long?). If the same term is defined in this rule and 340-200-0020 (General Air Quality Definitions) or 340-204-0010 (Definitions), the definition in this rule applies to 340-242-0010 (Employee Commute Options Program: What is the Employee Commute Options Program?) through 340-242-0290 (Employee Commute Options Program: What Kind of Records Must Be Kept and for How Long?).


“AQMA” means the Portland Air Quality Maintenance Area.


“Auto Trip” means a commute trip taken by vehicle to a work site.


“Auto Trip Rate” means the number of commute vehicles arriving at a work site divided by the number of employees that report to the work site.


“Baseline Auto Trip Rate” means the daily average auto trip rate established by the baseline survey.


“Baseline Survey” means the employee survey administered at the beginning of the ECO program, or when a new or expanding employer becomes subject to the ECO rules, or when an employer relocates.


“Car/Vanpool” means a motor vehicle occupied by two or more people traveling together for their commute trip that results in the reduction of a minimum of one auto trip.


“Compressed Work Week” means a schedule in which employees work their regularly-scheduled number of hours in fewer days per week or over a number of weeks (for example, a 40-hour, 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday work week is compressed into a 40-hour, 10 hours a day, Monday through Thursday work week.).


“Department” means the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.


“ECO Program” or “ECO Rules” means OAR 340-242-0010 (Employee Commute Options Program: What is the Employee Commute Options Program?) through 340-242-0290 (Employee Commute Options Program: What Kind of Records Must Be Kept and for How Long?).


“Employee” means any person on the employer’s payroll, full or part-time (part time is 80 or more hours per 28-day period), for at least six consecutive months at the same work site, including business owners, associates, partners, and partners classified as professional corporations.


“Employer” means any person, business, educational institution, non-profit agency or corporation, government department or agency or other entity that employs more than 100 employees at a single work site.


“Equivalent Emission Reduction” means a reduction of vehicle emissions, or other sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, that results in a reduction of VOC and NOx emissions equal to the emission reduction resulting from one eliminated auto trip.


“Metro” means the regional government agency that serves the Portland metropolitan area.


“New Employer” means any employer establishing a work site within the Portland AQMA, or any employer within the Portland AQMA that expands employment at a single work site to more than 100 employees, after the effective date of the ECO rules.


“Non-Scheduled Work Week” means a work week with no regular daily scheduled starting or ending time, no scheduled work days, or employees are on-call. This does not include employees working a traditional “8 to 5” job who may work on a flexible schedule.


“Target Auto Trip Rate” means a rate ten percent less than the baseline auto trip rate.


“Target Compliance Deadline” means the date by which employers must demonstrate progress toward achieving and maintaining their target auto trip rate. The initial target compliance deadline is three years following registration.


“Telecommuting” means the employees perform regular work duties at home, or at a work center closer to home than to work, rather than commuting to work. The employees may telecommute full time, or commute to work on some days and telecommute on others.


“Vehicle” or “Auto” means a highway vehicle powered by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine with fewer than sixteen adult passenger seating positions.


“Work site” means a property that is owned or leased by an employer or employers under common control, including a temporary or permanent building, or grouping of buildings that are in actual physical contact or separated only by a private or public roadway or other right-of-way.

Source: Rule 340-242-0050 — Employee Commute Options Program: Definitions of Terms Used in These Rules, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-242-0050.

Employee Commute Options Program: What is the Employee Commute Options Program?
Employee Commute Options Program: Who is Subject to ECO?
Employee Commute Options Program: What Does ECO Require?
Employee Commute Options Program: How Does the Department Enforce ECO?
Employee Commute Options Program: Definitions of Terms Used in These Rules
Employee Commute Options Program: Should All Employees at a Work Site Be Counted?
Employee Commute Options Program: What are the Major Requirements of ECO?
Employee Commute Options Program: What are the Registration Requirements?
Employee Commute Options Program: What are the Requirements for an Employee Survey?
Employee Commute Options Program: What If an Employer Does Not Meet the Target Auto Trip Rate?
Employee Commute Options Program: How Will Employers Demonstrate Progress Toward the Target Auto Trip Rate?
Employee Commute Options Program: How Should Employers Account for Changes in Work Force Size?
Employee Commute Options Program: How Can an Employer Reduce Auto Commute Trips to a Work Site?
Employee Commute Options Program: What Should Be Included in an Auto Trip Reduction Plan?
Employee Commute Options Program: When Will the Department Act on a Submitted Auto Trip Reduction Plan?
Employee Commute Options Program: What is a Good Faith Effort?
Employee Commute Options Program: How Does the ECO Program Affect New Employers, Expanding Employers and Employers Relocating within the Portland AQMA?
Employee Commute Options Program: Can a New or Relocating Employer Comply with ECO Through Restricted Parking Ratios?
Employee Commute Options Program: Can an Existing Employer Comply with ECO Through Restricted Parking Ratios?
Employee Commute Options Program: What if an Employer Has More Than One Work Site Within the Portland AQMA?
Employee Commute Options Program: Can Employers Submit a Joint Plan?
Employee Commute Options Program: Are There Alternatives to Trip Reduction?
Employee Commute Options Program: What Alternatives Qualify as Equivalent Emission Reductions?
Employee Commute Options Program: Can Employers Get Credit for Existing Trip Reduction Programs?
Employee Commute Options Program: Are Exemptions Allowed if an Employer is Unable to Reduce Trips or Take Advantage of Alternate Compliance Options?
Employee Commute Options Program: Participation in the Industrial Emission Management Program
Employee Commute Options Program: What Kind of Records Must Be Kept and for How Long?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: What is the Voluntary Parking Ratio Program?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: Who Can Participate in the Voluntary Parking Ratio Program?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: Definitions of Terms and Land Uses
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: How Does a Property Owner Comply with the Voluntary Parking Ratio Program?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: What are the Incentives for Complying with the Voluntary Parking Ratio Program?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: Why Do I Need a Parking Ratio Permit?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: What is Required to Obtain a Parking Ratio Permit?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: How is the Parking Ratio Program Enforced?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: When Will the Department Act on a Submitted Permit Application?
Voluntary Maximum Parking Ratio Program: What are the Applicable Parking Ratios?
Industrial Emission Management Program: Applicability
Industrial Emission Management Program: Definition of Terms
Industrial Emission Management Program: Unused PSEL Donation Program
Industrial Emission Management Program: Industrial Growth Allowances
Industrial Emission Management Program: Industrial Growth Allowance Allocation
Gasoline Vapors from Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing Operations: Purpose and Applicability
Gasoline Vapors from Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing Operations: Definitions
Gasoline Vapors from Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing Operations: General Provisions
Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Applicability
Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Definitions
Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Requirements for Motor Vehicle Refinishing in Portland AQMA
Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Inspecting and Testing Requirements
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-242-0050’s source at or​.us