OAR 340-242-0610
Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Definitions

The definitions in OAR 340-200-0020 (General Air Quality Definitions), 340-204-0010 (Definitions) and this rule apply in 340-242-0600 (Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Applicability) through 340-242-0630 (Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Inspecting and Testing Requirements). If the same term is defined in this rule and 340-200-0020 (General Air Quality Definitions) or 340-204-0010 (Definitions), the definition in this rule applies in 340-242-0600 (Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Applicability) through 340-242-0630 (Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Inspecting and Testing Requirements).


“High volume, low pressure spray”, or “HVLP” means equipment used to apply coatings with a spray device which operates at a nozzle air pressure between 0.1 and 10 pounds per square inch gravity (psig).


“Motor vehicle” means a vehicle that is self-propelled or designed for self-propulsion as defined in ORS 801.360 (“Motor vehicle”).


“Motor vehicle refinishing” means the application of surface coating to on-road motor vehicles or non-road motor vehicles, or their existing parts and components, except Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) coatings applied at manufacturing plants.


“Motor vehicle refinishing coating” means any coating designed for, or represented by the manufacturer as being suitable for motor vehicle refinishing.


“Motor vehicle refinishing facility” means a location at which motor vehicle refinishing is performed.


“Non-road motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle other than an on-road motor vehicle. “Non-Road Motor Vehicle” includes, but is not limited to, fixed load vehicles, farm tractors, farm trailers, all-terrain vehicles, and golf carts as these vehicles are defined in ORS Chapter 801 (General Provisions and Definitions for Oregon Vehicle Code).


“On-road motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle which is required to be registered under ORS 803.300 (Failure to register) or exempt from registration under 803.305 (Exemptions from general registration requirements)(5), 803.305 (Exemptions from general registration requirements)(6), or 803.305 (Exemptions from general registration requirements)(15) through 803.305 (Exemptions from general registration requirements)(19). “On-Road Motor Vehicle” includes, but is not limited to: passenger cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, mopeds, motor homes, truck tractors, buses, tow vehicles, trailers other than farm trailers, and camper shells.


“Public highway” means every public way, road, street, thoroughfare and place, including bridges, viaducts and other structures open, used or intended for use of the general public for vehicles or vehicular traffic as a matter of right.


“Vehicle” means any device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway and includes vehicles that are propelled or powered by any means.
NOTE: This rule is included in the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan that EQC adopted under OAR 340-200-0040 (State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan).

Source: Rule 340-242-0610 — Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Definitions, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-242-0610.

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Motor Vehicle Refinishing: Inspecting and Testing Requirements
Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

Rule 340-242-0610’s source at or​.us