OAR 436-060-0035
Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury

(1) For the purpose of this rule:
(a) “Primary job” means the job at which the injury occurred, or the job where the worker was employed at the time of medical verification that the worker is unable to work because of disability caused by occupational disease;
(b) “Secondary job” means any other job held by the worker in Oregon subject employment at the time of injury;
(c) “Temporary disability” means wage loss replacement for the primary job;
(d) “Supplemental disability” means wage loss replacement for the secondary jobs that exceeds the temporary disability, up to, but not exceeding, the maximum established by ORS 656.210 (Temporary total disability); and
(e) “Insurer” has the same meaning as OAR 436-060-0005 (Definitions)(12), and also includes service companies.
(2) Election to process and pay supplemental disability. An insurer may elect to be responsible for payment and processing of supplemental disability benefits to a worker employed in more than one job at the time of injury. The insurer is not required to inform the director of its election if it elects to process and pay supplemental disability, unless the insurer’s last notice to the director was that it would not process and pay supplemental disability. If the insurer informs the director of its election, the insurer must report its election to the director under OAR 436-060-0011 (Insurer Reporting Requirements)(12).
(a) The election must be made by the insurer, and applies to all service companies an insurer may use for processing claims.
(b) The election remains in effect for all supplemental disability claims the insurer receives until the insurer changes its election.
(c) If the insurer has elected to process and pay supplemental disability benefits:
(A) The insurer must determine the worker’s ongoing entitlement to supplemental disability;
(B) The insurer must pay the worker supplemental disability benefits simultaneously with any temporary disability benefits due;
(C) The insurer must maintain a record of supplemental disability benefits paid to the worker, separate from temporary disability benefits paid as a result of the job at injury; and
(D) The director will reimburse the insurer for supplemental disability paid under OAR 436-060-0500 (Reimbursement of Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury).
(d) If the insurer has elected not to process and pay supplemental disability benefits:
(A) The director will select an assigned processing administrator who is authorized to process and pay supplemental disability benefits on behalf of the director;
(B) The assigned processing administrator must determine the worker’s ongoing entitlement to supplemental disability and must pay the worker supplemental disability benefits due once each 14 days; and
(C) The insurer and assigned processing administrator must cooperate and communicate, as necessary, to coordinate benefits due.
(i) The assigned processing administrator must provide the insurer with any verifiable documentation of wages from a secondary job received from the worker; and
(ii) The insurer and assigned processing administrator must retain documentation of shared information.
(3) Eligibility for supplemental disability. A worker who was employed at one or more secondary jobs with Oregon subject employers at the time of injury or medical verification of an occupational disease may be eligible to receive supplemental disability if:
(a) The worker provides notification of the secondary job to the insurer within 30 days of the insurer’s receipt of the initial claim;
(b) The rate of compensation for wages at the primary job under OAR 436-060-0025 (Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation) is less than the maximum temporary disability rate established under ORS 656.210 (Temporary total disability); and
(c) The worker provides verifiable documentation of the wages from any secondary jobs at the time of injury or medical verification of an occupational disease within 60 days of the mailing date of the request for documentation sent under section (4) of this rule. For each secondary job, the documentation must:
(A) Identify the Oregon subject employer for each secondary job;
(B) Establish that the worker held the secondary job, in addition to the primary job, at the time of injury or medical verification of occupational disease; and
(C) Provide adequate information to calculate the average weekly wage under OAR 436-060-0025 (Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation).
(4) Determination of eligibility. Upon receiving notification of a worker’s secondary job the insurer must determine the rate of temporary disability compensation for wages at the primary job under OAR 436-060-0025 (Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation), and:
(a) If the rate of temporary disability compensation meets or exceeds the maximum temporary disability rate, the worker is not eligible for supplemental disability benefits; or
(b) If the rate of temporary disability is less than the maximum temporary disability rate, the worker may be eligible for supplemental disability benefits. If the worker may be eligible for supplemental disability benefits, the insurer must:
(A) Mail the worker a request for verifiable documentation of the worker’s wages from any secondary jobs within five business days of notice or knowledge that the worker may be eligible for supplemental disability benefits;
(i) The request must inform the worker what verifiable documentation the worker must submit to the insurer or assigned processing administrator, to determine the worker’s eligibility for supplemental disability;
(ii) The request must clearly state that if the insurer or assigned processing administrator does not receive the required documentation within 60 days of the mailing date of the request, the insurer will determine the worker’s temporary disability rate based only on the job at which the injury occurred, and the worker will be found ineligible for supplemental disability;
(B) If the insurer has elected not to process and pay supplemental disability benefits under section (2) of this rule, the insurer must also send a copy of the request to the assigned processing administrator. In addition to the requirements of this section, the request must also:
(i) Contain the name, address, email address, and telephone number of the assigned processing administrator;
(ii) Clearly advise the worker that the verifiable documentation must be sent to the assigned processing administrator; and
(C) The insurer or assigned processing administrator must determine the worker’s eligibility for supplemental disability within 14 days of:
(i) Receipt of the worker’s verifiable documentation; or
(ii) The end of the 60-day period in the insurer’s request, if the worker does not provide verifiable documentation.
(c) Any delay in the payment of a higher disability rate because of the worker’s failure to provide verifiable documentation under this section will not result in a penalty under ORS 656.262 (Processing of claims and payment of compensation)(11).
(5) Notification of eligibility determination. The insurer or the assigned processing administrator must determine the worker’s eligibility for supplemental disability and must communicate the determination to the worker and the worker’s attorney, if any, in writing. If the worker is found ineligible for supplemental disability, the letter must also advise the worker of the reason why they are not eligible, and how to appeal if the worker disagrees with the determination.
(6) Calculation of supplemental disability. The insurer or the assigned processing administrator must calculate supplemental disability for an eligible worker by adding the weekly averages of the worker’s wages from each secondary job as calculated under OAR 436-060-0025 (Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation). For the purposes of calculating and payment of supplemental disability:
(a) The total rate of supplemental disability may not exceed the difference between the maximum rate of temporary disability under ORS 656.210 (Temporary total disability)(1) and the rate of compensation for wages under the worker’s primary job;
(b) No supplemental disability is due for jobs where the rate of compensation is based on an assumed wage;
(c) In no case may an eligible worker receive less compensation than would be paid if based solely on wages from the primary employer;
(d) The worker’s scheduled days off for the primary job must be used to calculate and pay supplemental disability; and
(e) No three-day waiting period applies to supplemental disability benefits.
(7) Partial disability. When a worker who is eligible to receive supplemental disability benefits has post-injury wages from either the primary job or any secondary job:
(a) The insurer or the assigned processing administrator must calculate the rate of temporary partial disability due to the worker under OAR 436-060-0030 (Payment of Temporary Partial Disability Compensation) based on the worker’s wages from both the primary and secondary jobs;
(b) The insurer or the assigned processing administrator must calculate the amount of supplemental disability by subtracting the rate of partial disability due based on wages from only the primary job from the total rate of compensation due to the worker;
(c) If the worker receives post-injury wages from the secondary job equal to or greater than the secondary wages at the time of injury, no supplemental disability is due; and
(d) If the worker returns to a job not held at the time of the injury, the insurer or the assigned processing administrator must process supplemental disability under the same terms, conditions and limitations as OAR 436-060-0030 (Payment of Temporary Partial Disability Compensation).
(8) If temporary disability is not due from the primary job. Supplemental disability may be due on a nondisabling claim even if temporary disability is not due from the primary job.
(a) A nondisabling claim will not change to disabling status due to payment of supplemental disability.
(b) When supplemental disability payments cease on a nondisabling claim, the insurer or the assigned processing administrator must send the worker written notice advising the worker that their supplemental disability payments have stopped and of the worker’s right to appeal that action to the Workers’ Compensation Board within 60 days of the notice, if the worker disagrees.
(9) Worker’s responsibilities. A worker who is eligible for supplemental disability under this rule has an ongoing responsibility to provide information and documentation to the insurer or the assigned processing administrator, even if temporary disability is not due from the primary job.
(10) Hearings. If a worker disagrees with the insurer’s or the assigned processing administrator’s decision about the worker’s eligibility for supplemental disability or the rate of supplemental disability, the worker may request a hearing under OAR 436-060-0008 (Administrative Review and Contested Cases).
(a) If the worker requests a hearing on the insurer’s decision concerning the worker’s eligibility for supplemental disability, the worker must submit an appeal of the insurer’s or the assigned processing administrator’s decision within 60 days of the notice in section (5) of this rule.
(b) The insurer for the primary job is not required to contact the secondary job employer. The worker is responsible to provide any necessary documentation.
(11) Sanctions. An insurer that elects not to process and pay supplemental disability benefits may be sanctioned upon a worker’s complaint if the insurer delays sending necessary information to the assigned processing administrator and that delay causes a delay in the worker receiving supplemental disability benefits.
(12) Third party recovery. In the event of a third party recovery:
(a) Previously reimbursed supplemental disability benefits are a portion of the paying agency’s lien; and
(b) Remittance on recovered benefits must be made to the department in the quarter following the recovery in amounts determined in accordance with ORS 656.591 (Election not to bring action operates as assignment of cause of action) and ORS 656.593 (Procedure when worker or beneficiary elects to bring action).

Source: Rule 436-060-0035 — Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=436-060-0035.

Purpose, Applicability, Forms, and Bulletins
Administrative Review and Contested Cases
Employer Responsibilities
Insurer Reporting Requirements
Notices and Correspondence Following the Death of a Worker
Required Notice and Information
Release of Claim Documents
Nondisabling and Disabling Claim Reclassification
Determining and Paying the Three Day Waiting Period
Payment of Temporary Total Disability Compensation
Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation
Payment of Temporary Partial Disability Compensation
Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury
Payment of Permanent Partial Disability Compensation
Payment of Compensation During Worker Incarceration
Payment of Medical Services on Nondisabling Claims
Lump Sum Payment of Permanent Partial Disability Awards
Payment of Death Benefits
Medical Examinations
Suspension of Compensation for Insanitary or Injurious Practices, Refusal of Treatment or Failure to Participate in Rehabilitation
Injured Worker, Worker’s Attorney Responsible to Assist in Investigation
Vocational Evaluations for Permanent Total Disability Benefits
Acceptance or Denial of a Claim
Claims for COVID-19 or Exposure to SARS-CoV-2
Worker Requested Medical Examination
Timely Payment of Compensation
Electronic Payment of Compensation
Penalty to Worker for Untimely Processing
Use of Sight Draft to Pay Compensation Prohibited
Recovery of Overpayment of Benefits
Designation and Responsibility of a Paying Agent
Monetary Adjustments among Parties and Department of Consumer and Business Services
Miscellaneous Monetary Adjustments Among Insurers
Assessment of Civil Penalties
Penalty and Attorney Fee for Untimely Payment of Disputed Claims Settlement
Reimbursement of Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury
Reimbursement of Permanent Total Disability Benefits from the Workers’ Benefit Fund
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 436-060-0035’s source at or​.us