OAR 436-060-0055
Payment of Medical Services on Nondisabling Claims; Employer/Insurer Responsibility

(1) General. Notwithstanding the choice made by the employer under this rule, the employer and insurer must process nondisabling claims in accordance with all statutes and rules governing claims processing. The employer, however, may reimburse the medical service costs paid by the insurer as prescribed in section (3) of this rule.
(2) Notice to employers. Before the beginning of each policy year, the insurer must notify the insured or prospective insured employer of the employer’s right to reimburse medical service costs on accepted, nondisabling claims up to the maximum amount as published in Bulletin 345. The notice must advise the employer:
(a) Of the procedure for making such payments as outlined in section (3) of this rule;
(b) Of the general impact on the employer if the employer chooses to make such payments;
(c) That the employer is choosing not to participate if the employer does not respond in writing within 30 days of receipt of the insurer’s notice;
(d) That the employer’s written election to participate in the reimbursement program remains in effect, without further notice from the insurer, until the employer advises otherwise in writing or is no longer insured by the insurer; and
(e) That the employer may participate later in the policy period upon written request to the insurer, however, the earliest reimbursement period is the first completed period, established under subsection (3)(a) of this rule, following receipt of the employer’s request.
(3) Procedure for reimbursement. If the employer wishes to reimburse the medical service costs paid by the insurer, and has advised the insurer of their election to participate in the reimbursement program in writing under section (2) of this rule:
(a) Within 30 days following each three month period after policy inception or a period mutually agreed upon by the employer and insurer, the insurer must provide the employer with a list of all accepted nondisabling claims for which payments were made during that period and the respective cost of each claim;
(b) The employer, no later than 30 days after receipt of the list, must identify those claims and the dollar amount the employer wishes to pay for that period and reimburse the insurer accordingly. The employer and insurer may, by written agreement, establish a period in excess of 30 days for the employer to reimburse the insurer;
(c) Failure by the employer to reimburse the insurer within the 30 days allowed by subsection (b) will be deemed notice to the insurer that the employer does not wish to make a reimbursement for that period; and
(d) The insurer must continue to bill the employer for any payments made on the claims within 27 months of the inception of the policy period. Any further billing and reimbursement will be made only by mutual agreement between the employer and the insurer.
(4) Records. The insurer must maintain records of amounts reimbursed by employers for medical services on nondisabling claims. For medical service costs reimbursed under this rule:
(a) The insurer may not modify an employer’s experience rating or otherwise make charges against the employer based on the costs; and
(b) If the employer is on a retrospective rated plan, the medical costs paid by the employer on nondisabling claims must be included in the retrospective premium calculation, but the insurer must apply the amount paid by the employer as credits against the resulting retrospective premium.
(5) Reclassified claims. If a claim changes from a nondisabling to a disabling claim and the insurer has recovered reimbursement from the employer for medical costs billed by the insurer before the change, the insurer must exclude those amounts reimbursed from any experience rating, or other individual or group rating plans of the employer. If the employer is on a retrospective rated plan, the premium must be calculated as provided in section (4) of this rule.
(6) Penalties. Insurers that do not comply with the requirements of this rule or in any way prohibit an employer from reimbursing the insurer under section (3) of this rule, may be subject to a penalty as provided by OAR 436-060-0200 (Assessment of Civil Penalties).
(7) Self-insured employers. Self-insured employers must maintain records of all amounts paid for medical services on nondisabling claims under OAR 436-050-0220 (Records Self-Insured Employer Must Keep in Oregon; Period to be Retained, Removal and Disposition). When reporting loss data for experience rating, the self-insured may exclude costs for medical services paid on nondisabling claims in amounts not to exceed the maximum amount published in Bulletin 345.

Source: Rule 436-060-0055 — Payment of Medical Services on Nondisabling Claims; Employer/Insurer Responsibility, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=436-060-0055.

Purpose, Applicability, Forms, and Bulletins
Administrative Review and Contested Cases
Employer Responsibilities
Insurer Reporting Requirements
Notices and Correspondence Following the Death of a Worker
Required Notice and Information
Release of Claim Documents
Nondisabling and Disabling Claim Reclassification
Determining and Paying the Three Day Waiting Period
Payment of Temporary Total Disability Compensation
Worker’s Weekly Wage Calculation and Rate of Temporary Disability Compensation
Payment of Temporary Partial Disability Compensation
Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury
Payment of Permanent Partial Disability Compensation
Payment of Compensation During Worker Incarceration
Payment of Medical Services on Nondisabling Claims
Lump Sum Payment of Permanent Partial Disability Awards
Payment of Death Benefits
Medical Examinations
Suspension of Compensation for Insanitary or Injurious Practices, Refusal of Treatment or Failure to Participate in Rehabilitation
Injured Worker, Worker’s Attorney Responsible to Assist in Investigation
Vocational Evaluations for Permanent Total Disability Benefits
Acceptance or Denial of a Claim
Claims for COVID-19 or Exposure to SARS-CoV-2
Worker Requested Medical Examination
Timely Payment of Compensation
Electronic Payment of Compensation
Penalty to Worker for Untimely Processing
Use of Sight Draft to Pay Compensation Prohibited
Recovery of Overpayment of Benefits
Designation and Responsibility of a Paying Agent
Monetary Adjustments among Parties and Department of Consumer and Business Services
Miscellaneous Monetary Adjustments Among Insurers
Assessment of Civil Penalties
Penalty and Attorney Fee for Untimely Payment of Disputed Claims Settlement
Reimbursement of Supplemental Disability for Workers with Multiple Jobs at the Time of Injury
Reimbursement of Permanent Total Disability Benefits from the Workers’ Benefit Fund
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 436-060-0055’s source at or​.us