OAR 584-050-0005
Criteria for Granting Licenses


The Executive Director may issue licenses, certificates or registrations, grant reinstatements, and renew licenses, certificates or registrations when each of the following conditions exists:


All requirements established by law and rules have been met;


The applicant has attained at least eighteen years of age and has furnished evidence satisfactory to TSPC of fitness to serve as an educator; and


The Executive Director deems that an applicant’s response to any application character questions does not adversely affect his or her ability to serve as an educator.


The Executive Director may delay action and refer the application to an investigator when a response to any application character question needs further investigation. The results of the investigation will be reported to the Commission once the investigation is completed.

Source: Rule 584-050-0005 — Criteria for Granting Licenses, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-050-0005’s source at