OAR 584-050-0035
Requirements for Licenses, Registrations or Certifications While Employed


Any person employed in a position in a school district, education service district, or charter school for which a license or registration is required pursuant to ORS Chapter 342 (Teachers and Other School Personnel), must hold a valid license or registration appropriate for the assignment while working as a public school, education service district or charter school employee.


Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person whose application for a teaching license is pending may teach in Oregon public schools for 90 calendar days after the date of submission of the application, if the person:


Submits an application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees); and


Completes a background clearance that includes:


Furnishing fingerprints, if required;


Providing satisfactory responses to character questions in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission; and


A criminal records check as provided in ORS 181A.195 (Criminal records check) and a background check through an interstate clearinghouse of revoked and suspended licenses.


Notwithstanding subsection (1), the employing school district, school or charter school must ensure a person is properly licensed on the 91st calendar day after the date of submission of the application, if a person whose application is pending is teaching in an Oregon public school as provided in subsection (2).


Failure to maintain proper licensure, registration or certification may constitute gross neglect of duty pursuant to OAR 584-020-0040 (Grounds for Disciplinary Action).

Source: Rule 584-050-0035 — Requirements for Licenses, Registrations or Certifications While Employed, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-050-0035’s source at