OAR 584-050-0015
Reinstatement of Suspended, Revoked, or Surrendered License or Registration Generally


A suspended, revoked, or surrendered license, charter school registration, or school nurse certificate may be reinstated if the applicant is otherwise qualified and complies with the other applicable provisions of rules in this division.


Licenses, certificates or registrations that are revoked, suspended, or surrendered and eligible for reinstatement will be reinstated for the same period of time as an application for a new or renewed license or registration of that type if the license is a non-provisional license.


The fee to reinstate a license is in addition to the application fee required to issue a new license. See OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


A denial of an application for reinstatement of a suspended or revoked license, certificate or registration is considered a suspension or revocation of that applicant’s right to apply for one year.

Source: Rule 584-050-0015 — Reinstatement of Suspended, Revoked, or Surrendered License or Registration Generally, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-050-0015.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-050-0015’s source at