OAR 584-050-0030
Serving Without Proper Licensure


TSPC may deny a license if a person has served in violation of licensure assignment. Such denial shall extend either for one year from the date of application for licensure or for a period equal to the time served without licensure, whichever is less. The Executive Director may issue a notice of intent to deny the license and of opportunity for a hearing to the educator.


Licensed persons must be assigned in accordance with the authorizations and endorsement(s) they hold or under provisions of the License for Conditional Assignment.


Persons who serve in violation of licensure assignment rules and administrators who assign licensed persons in violation of licensure assignment rules may have such action considered as evidence of gross neglect of duty under ORS 342.175 (Grounds for discipline) and OAR 548-020-0040.


TSPC may revoke or deny any license upon evidence that the holder or applicant knowingly made false statements to a prospective employing school district concerning the individual’s licensure status or qualifications for assignment.

Source: Rule 584-050-0030 — Serving Without Proper Licensure, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-050-0030’s source at