OAR 584-050-0027
Surrender of License or Registration


An educator may voluntarily surrender an Oregon license, charter school registration, or endorsement prior to its expiration date if the Commission finds that such action is in the best interest of the public.


The surrender of a license will not stay an investigation or possible future commission action against the license, charter school registration or the educator.


Where the Commission has grounds for disciplinary action against an educator under ORS 342.175 (Grounds for discipline) through 342.180 (Appeal) and the educator offers to surrender the license or charter school registration, the Executive shall require the educator to stipulate to pertinent facts and to the revocation or suspension of the license or charter school registration as a condition of the Commission’s acceptance of the surrender of the license or charter school registration. All stipulated settlement agreements are subject to the Commission’s approval.


If the Commission and the educator cannot agree on a stipulation, the Commission will proceed with disciplinary proceedings.

Source: Rule 584-050-0027 — Surrender of License or Registration, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-050-0027’s source at