OAR 584-210-0050
Teacher Leader License


Purpose of the License: The Teacher Leader License is issued to professional teachers who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in the school environment, education profession and the larger community while consistently advancing student growth and achievement. The Teacher Leader License designates that the licensee is qualified to hold the title of Teacher Leader and to provide educational leadership that may include, but is not limited to: mentoring, curriculum development support, teacher preparation support and other leadership activities consistent with the Teacher Leader Standards adopted by the Commission.


Term of Licensure: The Teacher Leader License is valid for five years and is renewable as provided in subsection (9) of this rule. The date of the first expiration of the license is five years from the date of issue plus time until the applicant’s birthday.


Assignment and Endorsement Authorization: The Teacher Leader License qualifies the teacher to accept:


Any instructional assignment from preprimary through grade 12 within the scope of the subject-matter endorsements held on the Teacher Leader License;


Any substitute teaching assignments; and


Teacher leader activities, as agreed upon with any employing school district, as provided in subsection (1) of this rule.


Evidence of Effectiveness: To be eligible to qualify for a Teacher Leader License, an applicant must be deemed to be effective or highly effective as provided in ORS 342.856 (Core teaching standards) and the following provisions:


The applicant must provide evidence of two evaluations with an “effective” or “highly effective” level. The evaluations must be completed:


Within the five years immediately preceding the application for the Teacher Leader license; and


While the applicant held an Initial II, Continuing, Standard or Professional Teaching License.


The applicant must verify that they have not received an evaluation with lower than an “effective” level within the five years immediately preceding the application for the Teacher Leader license.


The terms “effective” and “highly effective” include the top two differentiated levels established as provided in the Oregon Department of Education’s “Oregon Matrix Model for Educator Evaluation.” Other acceptable evaluation terms may include, but are not limited to: proficient, exemplary, accomplished, or distinguished.


If an applicant is employed by a private school, the applicant must verify that their school evaluates educators in accordance with the requirements of ORS 342.856 (Core teaching standards). The applicant must provide documentation that the employing private school formally adopted the equivalent evaluation method in a meeting of the governing body.


Evidence of Current Professional Leadership Practices: To be eligible to qualify for a Teacher Leader License, an applicant must submit evidence of current professional leadership practices as provided in ORS 342.856 (Core teaching standards).


To submit an advanced portfolio of “current professional leadership practices” the evidence must:


Align with the standards for the Teacher Leader License as provided in OAR 584-420-0040 (Teacher Leader: Program Standards);


Have occurred within the five years immediately prior to the application for the Teacher Leader License; and


Meet the following criteria:
The applicant must demonstrate through submitted documentation that they have fully met at least twelve (12) elements of the existing thirty-seven (37) elements under any of the seven (7) domains within the standards for the Teacher Leader License;
The evidence for each element submitted must be verified as valid by at least two professional colleagues, which may include coworkers, supervisors, or other professional peers; and
The evidence for each element submitted must be unique and separate. For example, an applicant may not reuse evidence from one element to support meeting another element.


To submit National Board for Professional Teacher Standards Certification to demonstrate “current professional leadership practices” the evidence must:


Show the national board certification occurred in the five years immediately prior to the application; and


Demonstrate how board certification and subsequent professional practice by the teacher meets at least twelve (12) elements of the existing thirty-seven (37) elements under any of the seven (7) domains within the standards for the Teacher Leader License.


To submit admission to and completion of a Commission-approved teacher leader program to demonstrate “current professional leadership practices” evidence, the applicant must provide documentation that:


The program was completed in the five years immediately prior to the application; and


The completion of the Commission-approved teacher leader preparation program and subsequent professional practice by the teacher meets at least twelve (12) elements of the existing thirty-seven (37) elements under any of the seven (7) domains within the standards for the Teacher Leader License.


To be eligible to apply for a Teacher Leader License, an applicant must:


Possess the personal qualifications for licensure including attainment of at least eighteen (18) years of age and possessing good moral character and mental and physical health necessary for employment as an educator;


Hold a valid Professional, Initial II or Standard teaching License;


Have been employed as a licensed educator for five full academic school years within the five years preceding application;


Meet the “evidence of effectiveness” requirements as provided in subsection (4) of this rule;


Meet the “evidence of current professional leadership practices” requirements as provided in subsection (5) of this rule;


Submit the adopted Rubric for Teacher Leader Evaluation for review by the Commission. The applicant must indicate the exact evidence they are using to satisfy each of their selected elements. There must be a clear indication on the evidence which of the elements the evidence is being submitted to support;


Complete a background clearance that includes:


Furnishing fingerprints, if required;


Providing satisfactory responses to character questions in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission; and


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


All applications for the Teacher Leader License must be received in the TSPC office no later than one calendar month prior to the Commission meeting at which the applicant wishes to have their application evaluated.


All current teaching licenses held prior the application for the Teacher Leader License will expire on the date the Teacher Leader License is issued regardless of the expiration date on the license.


Renewal Requirements: To be eligible to apply for renewal of the Teacher Leader License, an applicant must:


Provide documentation of ongoing teacher leader activities, including but not limited to, mentoring, curriculum development support, teacher preparation support and other educational leadership activities;


Complete professional development units as provided in OAR 584-255-0010 (Professional Development Requirements) Professional Development Requirements; and


Submit a complete and correct renewal application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


If an applicant does not meet the renewal requirements of subsection (9) of this rule or decides not to renew the Teacher Leader License, the applicant may apply for or will be issued a Professional Teaching License as provided in OAR 584-210-0040 (Professional Teaching License).

Source: Rule 584-210-0050 — Teacher Leader License, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-210-0050’s source at