OAR 584-210-0160
License for Conditional Assignment

(1) Purpose of License Conditional Assignment: An Oregon school district may request a License for Conditional Assignment (LCA) for any educator holding a Preliminary, Professional, Teacher Leader, Legacy or Reciprocal teaching license. The purpose of a LCA is to allow a school district to request mis-assignment for an educator to teach in an out-of-field subject-matter endorsement area or serve in another license area for which the educator is not authorized, while the educator completes requirements necessary either to add the subject-matter endorsement to the underlying license or to obtain a new license type.


Scope of LCA requirement: The LCA is required when teaching or working out-of-field, as provided:


Teaching assignments that exceed 10 hours per week in one subject-matter area without the appropriate subject-matter endorsement. This provision does not apply to teaching assignments in ODE-approved CTE programs;


Teaching in more than one unendorsed subject-matter endorsement area for any amount of time;


Moving from one license to another; or


Teaching in a CTE area or program that requires a CTE endorsement;
(3) Term of LCA: The LCA provides conditional approval to teach out-of-field, as provided:
(a) All LCAs will expire on June 30 following the date the LCA is issued;
(b) The LCA is not renewable, but may be reauthorized as provided in subsections (9) and (10).


The LCA will not be “back dated.” Time spent on assignments where the district failed to request the LCA will be deducted from the allowable LCA total.


The LCA may not exceed more than three academic years in total.


The LCA is not a stand-alone or independent license. The underlying license must be kept current in order for the LCA to remain active.


District Sponsorship: A LCA requires sponsorship by the employing school district, as provided:


A district must apply for a LCA by October 31 for the fall term; or thereafter, apply for the LCA within two weeks after the assignment has begun;


A district must provide professional assistance specific to the assignment for the educator during the first year of the conditional assignment;


The district applying for a LCA is assumed to have informed the educator for which the LCA is being requested. Failure to inform the educator may result in an invalid LCA upon a finding by the Commission that the educator did not grant the district permission to add the LCA to the educator’s license; and


The LCA is restricted to use within the sponsoring district. The LCA may be transferred to a new district unless the eligibility for the LCA has expired.
(5) Ineligible Licenses: Licenses not eligible for a LCA include, but are not limited to, the following licenses:


Any Restricted License;


Limited Teaching License;


American Indian Language;


Teaching Associate License;


Substitute Teaching License;


Restricted Substitute Teaching License;


Limited Student Services License;


Exceptional Administrator License;


International Visiting Teaching License; or


Any CTE Teaching License. (This restriction only applies to non-CTE endorsements.)
(6) Other Special LCA Limitations:


An administrator, school counselor, or school psychologist who has never held a non-provisional teaching license in any state may not be issued a LCA to teach;


Applicants seeking a LCA in school counseling or school psychology must hold at least a bachelor’s degree or master’s, educational specialist, or doctoral degree in the respective field of counseling or psychology; and


Applicants must never have held any one of the following licenses or permits endorsed in the subject-matter area or licensure areas in which the educator is seeking to work out-of- field:


Conditional assignment permit;


Restricted Licenses.


Applying for the first LCA: To be eligible to apply for a LCA, an applicant must:


Hold an active and valid qualifying non-provisional Oregon license;


Provide a statement from sponsoring district that


Requests the LCA be authorized; and


Assures the district will provide professional assistance to the educator; and


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


No reauthorizations: For endorsements that require only a test, experience, or nine quarter hours or less of coursework, the applicant must complete all endorsement requirements by June 30th following the date the first LCA is issued.
(9) First Reauthorization (2nd LCA): To be eligible to apply for the first reauthorization of the LCA, an applicant must:


Hold an active and valid qualifying non-provisional Oregon license;


Provide a statement from sponsoring district that:


Requests the LCA be reauthorized;


Assures the district will continue to provide professional assistance to the educator;


Assures the educator is on target to meet the qualifications for the endorsement or license by the end of the educator’s eligibility for LCA authorizations.
(c) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(10) Second Reauthorization (3rd and final LCA): To be eligible to apply for the second reauthorization of the LCA, an applicant must:


Hold an active and valid qualifying non-provisional Oregon license;


Provide a statement from sponsoring district requesting the LCA;


Provide a statement from sponsoring district that:


Requests the LCA be reauthorized;


Assures the district will continue to provide professional assistance to the educator;


Assures the educator is on target to meet the qualifications for the endorsement or license by the end of the educator’s eligibility for LCA authorizations.
(d) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


After the final LCA has expired, the educator must have completed all requirements necessary to add the appropriate endorsement or license in order to continue working in the area in which the educator held the LCA. Continuing to work in an out-of-field position on an expired LCA is a violation of licensure law and is unauthorized. In these cases, the license-holder or the assigning administrator or both may be subject to sanctions for gross neglect of duty by the Commission pursuant to 584-020-0040 (Grounds for Disciplinary Action)(4), Grounds for Disciplinary Action.

Source: Rule 584-210-0160 — License for Conditional Assignment, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-210-0160’s source at