OAR 584-210-0190
Reinstatement of Teaching Licenses

(1) Purpose: The Commission has adopted reinstatement provisions to allow qualified applicants to reinstate eligible, expired Oregon teaching licenses.
(2) Preliminary, Professional and Legacy Teaching Licenses: Preliminary, Professional, and Legacy Teaching Licenses are eligible to be reinstated. To be eligible to reinstate the Preliminary, Professional, or Legacy Teaching license, the applicant must meet the requirements of subsection (13), except as provided in subsection (3).
(3) Holds Other License: If the applicant holds another active and valid non-provisional educator license in Oregon or another NASDTEC jurisdiction at the time of the application for reinstatement of a Preliminary, Professional or Legacy Teaching License, the applicant is not required to complete the reinstatement PDUs, as provided in subsection (15).
(a) To qualify for this exception, the license must require completion of professional development for renewal.
(b) If the applicant holds an eligible Oregon license, the applicant is not required to pay reinstatement fees. The applicant is required to pay all other required fees to reinstate the Oregon license.
(c) If the applicant holds an eligible license from another NASDTEC jurisdiction, the applicant is required to pay reinstatement fees. The applicant must pay the reinstatement fees in addition to all other required fees to reinstate the Oregon license.
(4) Substitute Teaching Licenses: Substitute Teaching Licenses are eligible to be reinstated. To be eligible to reinstate a Substitute Teaching License, an applicant must meet the requirements for the Substitute Teaching License in effect at the time of the application:
(a) Applicants are required to pay reinstatement fees. Applicants must pay the reinstatement fees in addition to all other required fees to reinstate the Oregon license.
(b) Applicants are not required to complete reinstatement PDUs.
(c) Notwithstanding any other requirements, holders of an expired Substitute Teaching License issued based on a C4 recommendation may qualify to reinstate or renew a Substitute Teaching License upon the discretion of the Director of Licensure.
(5) Reciprocal/Initial Teaching Licenses: Reciprocal and Initial Teaching Licenses may not be reinstated. If an applicant holds an expired Initial or Reciprocal Teaching License, the applicant must qualify for an Oregon Preliminary or Professional teaching license or for an Oregon provisional license for which they are eligible, in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) The applicant is not required to hold an active and valid out-of-state license at time of application for first-issue Preliminary or Professional Teaching License, if the applicant:
(A) Held an active and valid out-of-state license on the date of issuance of the Reciprocal Teaching License; or
(B) Was issued an Oregon Initial Teaching License prior to January 1, 2016.
(b) The applicant is required to complete PDUs for reinstatement, as provided in subsection (15), for the number of years the Oregon Reciprocal or Initial Teaching License was lapsed.
(6) Initial I Teaching License: Initial I Teaching Licenses may not be reinstated. Holders of these licenses must apply for reinstatement of the Preliminary Teaching License and must meet the requirements in subsection (13) of this rule.
(7) Initial II Teaching License: Initial II Teaching Licenses may not be reinstated. Holders of these licenses must apply for reinstatement to the Preliminary Teaching License or Professional Teaching License and must meet the requirements in subsection (13) of this rule.
(8) Basic: Basic Teaching Licenses may not be in reinstated. Holders of these licenses must apply for reinstatement of the Professional, Preliminary, or Legacy Teaching License and must meet the requirements in subsection (13) of this rule.
(9) Standard/Continuing: Standard and Continuing Teaching Licenses may not be reinstated. Holders of these licenses must apply for reinstatement of the Professional Teaching License and must meet the requirements in subsection (13) of this rule.
(10) Teacher Leader: Teacher Leader licenses may not be reinstated. A holder of an expired Teacher Leader license may apply to reinstate a Professional or Legacy Teaching license. To obtain the Teacher Leader license after it has expired, the applicant may submit a new application for the Teacher Leader License.
(11) District-Sponsored Teaching Licenses: District-sponsored teaching licenses and registrations may not be reinstated. A holder of an expired district-sponsored teaching license or registration may be issued a new district-sponsored license or registration based on a new application.
(a) District-sponsored teaching licenses and registrations include, but are not limited to:
(A) Emergency licenses;
(B) Restricted licenses;
(C) Limited licenses;
(D) International Visiting Teacher License; and
(E) Charter school registrations.
(b) Applicants must meet the requirements for the district-sponsored license in effect at the time of the new application.
(c) Applicants are not required to pay reinstatement fees;
(d) Applicants are not required to complete reinstatement PDUs;
(e) Applicants are required to complete renewal PDUs if their district-sponsored license requires PDUs for renewal.
(12) American Indian Languages Teaching License: American Indian Languages Teaching Licenses may not be reinstated. A holder of an expired American Indian Languages Teaching License may be issued a new tribal-sponsored license based on a new application.
(a) Applicants must meet the requirements for the American Indian Languages Teaching License in effect at the time of the new application.
(b) Applicants are not required to pay reinstatement fees;
(c) Applicants are not required to complete reinstatement PDUs;
(d) Applicants are required to complete renewal PDUs if the tribal-sponsored license requires PDUs for renewal.
(13) Applying for Reinstatement: To be eligible to apply for reinstatement of an eligible Oregon teaching license, an applicant must:
(a) Meet the renewal or advancement requirements that would have been required if the Oregon license had not lapsed;
(b) Meet the requirements for reinstatement of Oregon suspended or revoked licenses as provided in Chapter 584, Division 50, if applicable; and
(c) Meet the professional development requirements for reinstatements as provided in subsection (16), if required.
(d) Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of the required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees);
(14) Endorsements: Only endorsements held on the previous expired license will be added to the reinstated license. If the applicant applies to add new endorsements to their reinstated license, they must add the endorsement in accordance with Chapter 584, Division 220.
(15) Additional PDUs for Reinstatement: An applicant must complete additional professional development units (PDUs) based on the number of years the license is expired, as follows:
(a) Expired for less than one year: No additional PDUs required.
(b) Expired for more than one year, but less than two years: 25 additional PDUs.
(c) Expired for more than two years but less than three years: 50 additional PDUs.
(d) Expired for more than three years but less than four years: 75 additional PDUs.
(e) Expired for more than four years but less than five years: 100 additional PDUs.
(f) Expired for more than five years but less than six years: 125 additional PDUs.
(g) Expired for more than six years: 150 additional PDUs.
(16) To qualify as continuing PDUs for Oregon reinstatement requirements, the PDUs must have been completed within five (5) years of the date of application for reinstatement of the teaching license.
(17) All PDUs for reinstatement must be verified as provided in 584-255-0030 (Verification of Professional Development) Verification of Professional Development.

Source: Rule 584-210-0190 — Reinstatement of Teaching Licenses, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-210-0190.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-210-0190’s source at