OAR 584-210-0080
American Indian Languages Teaching License


Purpose of the License: The American Indian Languages Teaching License is issued to qualified individuals to provide the essential teaching of American Indian languages. It qualifies its holder to teach prekindergarten through grade 12 Oregon public school district, education service districts, and charter school assignments in the American Indian Language authorized by the license.


Tribal Sponsorship: The American Indian Languages Teaching License requires sponsorship of a tribe, as provided in ORS 97.740 (Definitions for ORS 97.740 to 97.760), whose language will be taught. The sponsoring tribe must submit a statement that certifies that:


The applicant is qualified to teach the language of the tribe; and


Pursuant to ORS 342.123 (Knowledge of civil rights laws and ethical standards required), the applicant has demonstrated knowledge of:


Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and other relevant federal and state statutes prohibiting discrimination; and


Ethical standards of professional conduct for licensees.


Term of Licensure: The American Indian Languages Teaching License is valid for three years and is renewable as provided in subsection (7) of this rule. The date of the first expiration of the license is three years from the date of issue plus time until the applicant’s birthday.


Assignment and Endorsement Authorization: The American Indian Languages Teaching License qualifies the teacher to accept:


Any instructional assignment from prekindergarten through grade 12 within the scope of the American Indian Language on the American Indian Languages Teaching License; and


Substitute teaching assignments within the scope of American Indian Language on the American Indian Languages Teaching License.


The Commission-adopted endorsements for the American Indian Languages Teaching Licenses are:


American Indian Language: Cayuse


American Indian Language: Chinuk Wawa


American Indian Language: Dee-ni


American Indian Language: Kalapuya


American Indian Language: Kiksht


American Indian Language: Klamath


American Indian Language: Klamath-Modoc


American Indian Language: Lushootseed


American Indian Language: Miluk


American Indian Language: Nez Perce


American Indian Language: Northern Paiute


American Indian Language: Newe


American Indian Language: Siuslaw-Hanis


American Indian Language: Takelma


American Indian Language: Tolowa


American Indian Language: Tututni


American Indian Language: Umatilla


American Indian Language: Walla Walla


American Indian Language: Ichishkin


A holder of an American Indian Languages Teaching license who does not also have a teaching license or registration issued under ORS 342.125 (Types of licenses) may not teach any subject other than the American Indian language the holder approved to teach by the sponsoring tribe.


First License: To be eligible to apply for the American Indian Language Teaching License, the applicant must:


Possess the personal qualifications for licensure including attainment of at least eighteen years of age and possessing good moral character and mental and physical health necessary for employment as an educator;


Submit a statement from a sponsoring tribe as provided in subsection (2) of this rule;


Complete a background clearance that includes:


Furnishing fingerprints, if required;


Providing satisfactory responses to character questions in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission; and


Submit a complete and correct application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).


Renewal: To be eligible to apply for renewal of the American Indian Language Teaching License, an applicant must:


Submit a statement from the original sponsoring tribe verifying the applicant continues to be qualified to teach the tribal language;


Complete professional development as provided in Chapter 584, Division 255, Professional Development; and


Submit a complete and correct renewal application in the form and manner required by the Commission, including payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).

Source: Rule 584-210-0080 — American Indian Languages Teaching License, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-210-0080’s source at