OAR 845-006-0347
Noisy, Disorderly or Unlawful Activity and Drinking Alcohol Outside the Premises

(1) Definitions. As used in this rule:
(a) “Dangerous weapon” means any weapon, device, instrument or substance which under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.
(b) “Deadly weapon” means any instrument, article or substance specifically designed for and presently capable of causing death or serious physical injury.
(c) “Disorderly activities” are those that harass, threaten or physically harm another person.
(d) “Gambling” means that a person stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under the control or influence of the person, upon an agreement or understanding that the person or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.
(e) “Noisy activities” are those that a reasonable person would conclude interfere with normal living or business activities. The Commission may consider a violation of Department of Environmental Quality or local noise pollution standards as prima facie evidence of noisy activities.
(f) “Serious physical injury” means physical injury which creates substantial risk of death or which causes serious disfigurement, serious impairment of health, or serious loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ.
(g) “Social Gaming” means a game other than a lottery, if authorized by a local county or city ordinance pursuant to ORS 167.121 (Local authorization of social games), between players in a private business, private club, or place of public accommodation where no house player, house bank, or house odds exist and there is no house income from the operation of the social game.
(2) Noisy or Disorderly Activity:
(a) No licensee or permittee will permit noisy or disorderly activities on the licensed premises or in areas the licensee controls that are adjacent to or outside the premises.
(b) Violation of this section that results in death or serious physical injury to a person or that involves unlawful use or attempted use of a deadly weapon against another person is a Category I violation.
(c) Violation of this section that results in a sexual offense which is a Class A felony, such as first degree rape, sodomy, or unlawful sexual penetration, is a Category I violation.
(d) Violation of this section that involves use of a dangerous weapon against another person with intent to cause death or serious physical injury is a Category II violation.
(e) Violations of this section other than those described in (2)(b), (2)(c) or 2(d) are Category III violations.
(3) Unlawful Activity:
(a) No licensee or permittee will permit any unlawful activity on the licensed premises or in areas the licensee controls that are adjacent to or outside the premises.
(A) Unlawful activity includes any activity that violates a criminal statute. Examples include, but are not limited to;
(ii) Public indecency;
(iii) Permitting the use of controlled substances; and
(iv) Gambling or unauthorized social gaming.
(B) The Commission does not require a conviction to establish a violation of this section except as ORS 471.315 (Grounds for cancellation, suspension or restriction of license, requiring training or imposing civil penalty) and 471.700 (Revocation of license on gambling conviction) requires.
(b) Violation of this section that results in death or serious physical injury to a person or that involves unlawful use or attempted use of a deadly weapon against another person is a Category I violation.
(c) Violation of this section that results in a sexual offense which is a Class A felony, such as first degree rape, sodomy, or unlawful sexual penetration, is a Category I violation.
(d) Violation of this section that involves use of a dangerous weapon against another person with intent to cause death or serious physical injury is a Category II violation.
(e) Violations of this section other than those described in (3)(b),(3)(c) or (3)(d) are Category III violations.
(4) Eviction of Persons:
(a) A licensee or permittee who knows that a person has engaged in noisy, disorderly or unlawful activities must evict that person from the premises for at least a 24-hour period. This includes employees or contractors of a licensee. The 24-hour period begins at the time of eviction.
(b) Failure to evict persons engaging in noisy, disorderly or unlawful activities is a Category IV violation.
(5) Drinking Alcohol Outside the Premises:
(a) No licensee or permittee will permit anyone to drink alcohol in any parking lot that the licensee controls that is associated with the licensed business unless the Commission has approved the sale or service of alcoholic beverages in the area.
(b) Violation of this section is a Category III violation.

Source: Rule 845-006-0347 — Noisy, Disorderly or Unlawful Activity and Drinking Alcohol Outside the Premises, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=845-006-0347.

“Applicant” and “Licensee” Defined
“Family Member” Defined
Requirements for Outdoor Areas Not Abutting a Licensed Building
Age Verification
Minor Postings
Prohibited Conduct
Noisy, Disorderly or Unlawful Activity and Drinking Alcohol Outside the Premises
Unlawful Drug Activity on Licensed Premises
Activities on College Campuses
Distilled Spirits Samples and Promotions from a Distiller’s Representative
Maintenance of License Certificate, Restriction Document, Authority to Operate, Minor Posting Sign
Responsibility of Licensees for Conduct of Others
Payment for Alcoholic Beverages
Financial Assistance
Certificate of Approval for Distilled Spirits
Transportation by Licensed Retailer from Licensed Wholesaler Premises
Delivery of Malt Beverage, Wine or Cider to Individuals — Definitions
Requirements for Direct Delivery of Wine and Cider to a Resident of Oregon
Requirements for Direct Delivery of Malt Beverages to a Resident of Oregon
Sale of Mixed Drinks and Single Servings of Wine by Full On-Premises Sales Licensees for Off-Premises Consumption and Delivery
Requirements for Wine Self-Distribution Permit for Wine and Cider
Requirements for Oregon Retailers to Receive Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Wine Self-Distribution Permit
Custom Order Agreements
Hours of Sale
Public Interest and Convenience Reasons for Cancellation or Suspension
Exemptions for Certain Tour Boats
Alcohol Management in Public Venues
Minibars in Hotel Guest Rooms
Minibars in Arena Suites
Maintaining Records: Retail Licensees
Deposits on Draft Malt Beverage and Wine Containers
Sale of Malt Beverages in Kegs
Nonbeverage Food Products Containing Alcoholic Beverages
Promotional Events at a Retailer Licensed Premises Involving Suppliers
Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage, Wine, or Cider Tastings Involving Suppliers
Requirements for Distilled Liquor Tastings Provided by Oregon Distillery Licensee
Food Service at Commercial Establishment with Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Nonprofit Private Clubs with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Off-Premises Events with a Full or Limited On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Public Passenger Carriers with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Other Public Locations with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Temporary Licenses Authorized Under ORS 471.190(4)
General Food Service Requirements for Full On-Premises Sales Licenses
Full On-Premises Sales License with Additional On-Premises Sales Privilege
License Changes Requiring Notice/Prior Approval
Changes in Premises or Operation: Notice Required
Notification When Premises Closed: Time Limit for Operation
Closure of Premises for Private Uses
Public Passenger Carrier Notification of Additional Premises
Requirements for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a Nonprofit Private Club
Requirements for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a For-Profit Private Club
Enforceable Compliance Plans
Suspended Licenses: Posting of Suspension Notice Sign, Activities Allowed During Suspension
Suspensions and Civil Penalties
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 845-006-0347’s source at or​.us