OAR 845-006-0410
Custom Order Agreements


“Custom order agreement” means an agreement whereby a Brewery or Brewery-Public House licensee agrees to produce or manufacture malt beverages based on certain specifications for a commission licensee authorized by the commission to receive the malt beverages under a custom order agreement.


Malt beverages produced or manufactured under a custom order agreement are produced or manufactured by the producing Brewery or Brewery-Public House licensee and not by the receiving licensee.


Privilege taxes for malt beverages produced or manufactured under a custom order agreement are due from the producing licensee when the producing licensee sells or transfers the malt beverage to the receiving licensee. Despite this requirement, the producing licensee may qualify for nonpayment of privilege taxes under ORS 473.050 (When privilege tax not imposed).


A Brewery licensee:


May not use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a retail licensee as defined in ORS 471.392 (Definitions for ORS 471.392 to 471.400). Despite this requirement, a Brewery licensee may use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a Full On-Premises Sales licensee licensed to the same licensee of record as the Brewery licensee.


May use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a Brewery-Public House licensee. The custom order agreement must be in writing and both parties must comply with ORS 471.398 (Prohibition of financial assistance from wholesaler to retailer). The custom order agreement does not absolve the receiving Brewery-Public House licensee from complying with all other laws and rules regulated by the commission. The custom order agreement must identify the malt beverage by a specific formula and it must identify a defined period of time for the agreement that is no longer than 60 days from production to delivery of the malt beverage to the receiving licensee. The agreement may not allow the producing Brewery licensee to store the malt beverage longer than the 60 day time period. The Brewery licensee and Brewery-Public House licensee shall provide the written custom order agreement to the Commission within 10 calendar days of the Commission’s request for the agreement.


May use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a manufacturer or
wholesaler as defined in ORS 471.392 (Definitions for ORS 471.392 to 471.400).


A violation of this section is a Category III violation.


A Brewery-Public House Licensee:


May not use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a retail licensee as defined in ORS 471.392 (Definitions for ORS 471.392 to 471.400). Despite this requirement, a Brewery-Public House licensee may use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a retail premises licensed to the same licensee of record as the Brewery-Public House licensee.


May use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a different Brewery-Public House licensee. The custom order agreement must be in writing and both parties must comply with ORS 471.398 (Prohibition of financial assistance from wholesaler to retailer). The custom order agreement does not absolve the receiving Brewery-Public House licensee from complying with all other laws and rules regulated by the commission. The custom order agreement must identify the malt beverage by a specific formula and it must identify a defined period of time for the agreement that is no longer than 60 days from production to delivery of the malt beverage to the receiving licensee. The agreement may not allow the producing Brewery-Public House licensee to store the malt beverage longer than the 60 day time period. The producing Brewery-Public House licensee and receiving Brewery-Public House licensee shall provide the written custom order agreement to the Commission within 10 calendar days of the Commission’s request for the agreement.


May use a custom order agreement to produce or manufacture malt beverages for a manufacturer or
wholesaler as defined in ORS 471.392 (Definitions for ORS 471.392 to 471.400). The custom order agreement must be in writing and both parties must Page 10 of 15 comply with ORS 471.398 (Prohibition of financial assistance from wholesaler to retailer). The Brewery-Public House licensee and receiving licensee shall provide the written custom order agreement to the Commission within 10 calendar days of the Commission’s request for the agreement.


A violation of this section is a Category III violation.

Source: Rule 845-006-0410 — Custom Order Agreements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=845-006-0410.

“Applicant” and “Licensee” Defined
“Family Member” Defined
Requirements for Outdoor Areas Not Abutting a Licensed Building
Age Verification
Minor Postings
Prohibited Conduct
Noisy, Disorderly or Unlawful Activity and Drinking Alcohol Outside the Premises
Unlawful Drug Activity on Licensed Premises
Activities on College Campuses
Distilled Spirits Samples and Promotions from a Distiller’s Representative
Maintenance of License Certificate, Restriction Document, Authority to Operate, Minor Posting Sign
Responsibility of Licensees for Conduct of Others
Payment for Alcoholic Beverages
Financial Assistance
Certificate of Approval for Distilled Spirits
Transportation by Licensed Retailer from Licensed Wholesaler Premises
Delivery of Malt Beverage, Wine or Cider to Individuals — Definitions
Requirements for Direct Delivery of Wine and Cider to a Resident of Oregon
Requirements for Direct Delivery of Malt Beverages to a Resident of Oregon
Sale of Mixed Drinks and Single Servings of Wine by Full On-Premises Sales Licensees for Off-Premises Consumption and Delivery
Requirements for Wine Self-Distribution Permit for Wine and Cider
Requirements for Oregon Retailers to Receive Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Wine Self-Distribution Permit
Custom Order Agreements
Hours of Sale
Public Interest and Convenience Reasons for Cancellation or Suspension
Exemptions for Certain Tour Boats
Alcohol Management in Public Venues
Minibars in Hotel Guest Rooms
Minibars in Arena Suites
Maintaining Records: Retail Licensees
Deposits on Draft Malt Beverage and Wine Containers
Sale of Malt Beverages in Kegs
Nonbeverage Food Products Containing Alcoholic Beverages
Promotional Events at a Retailer Licensed Premises Involving Suppliers
Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage, Wine, or Cider Tastings Involving Suppliers
Requirements for Distilled Liquor Tastings Provided by Oregon Distillery Licensee
Food Service at Commercial Establishment with Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Nonprofit Private Clubs with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Off-Premises Events with a Full or Limited On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Public Passenger Carriers with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Other Public Locations with a Full On-Premises Sales License
Food Service Requirements for Temporary Licenses Authorized Under ORS 471.190(4)
General Food Service Requirements for Full On-Premises Sales Licenses
Full On-Premises Sales License with Additional On-Premises Sales Privilege
License Changes Requiring Notice/Prior Approval
Changes in Premises or Operation: Notice Required
Notification When Premises Closed: Time Limit for Operation
Closure of Premises for Private Uses
Public Passenger Carrier Notification of Additional Premises
Requirements for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a Nonprofit Private Club
Requirements for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a For-Profit Private Club
Enforceable Compliance Plans
Suspended Licenses: Posting of Suspension Notice Sign, Activities Allowed During Suspension
Suspensions and Civil Penalties
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 845-006-0410’s source at or​.us