OAR 847-008-0010
Initial Registration


An applicant for licensure as a physician, physician assistant, or acupuncturist, whose application file is complete, must submit to the Board the initial registration form and fee prior to being granted a license by the Board.


A person applying for licensure must ensure the license application is complete and accurate throughout the application process. A person applying for licensure must update the Board within 10 business days regarding any changes in information previously provided or any new information that becomes available during the application process.
(3) Per OAR 847-020-0110 (Application for Licensure)(2), a person applying for licensure who has not completed the licensure process within a 12 month consecutive period must file a new application, documents, letters and pay a full filing fee as if filing for the first time.


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An individual who initially becomes licensed, certified or registered by the Board at any time during the first 12 months of a biennial registration period must pay the entire biennial registration fee for that period, except as provided in OAR 847-008-0015 (Active Registration) and 847-008-0025 (Inactive Registration).


An individual who initially becomes licensed, certified, or registered by the Board at any time during the second 12 months of the biennial registration period must pay the registration fee for one year.

Source: Rule 847-008-0010 — Initial Registration, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-008-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-008-0010’s source at