OAR 847-008-0055
Reactivation Requirements


A licensee of the Board who wishes to reactivate must provide the Board with the following:


Completed reactivation application;


Appropriate fees as listed in 847-005-0005 (Licensure Fees);


An evaluation of overall performance and specific beginning and ending dates of training, practice, or employment sent directly to the Board from the director, administrator, dean, or other official of each hospital, clinic, office, or training institute where the licensee was employed, practiced, had hospital privileges, or trained in any state, country, or territory since the time of licensee’s last renewal or as directed by the Board.


The Board may require the licensee applying for reactivation to:


Provide other documentation or explanatory statements;


Personally appear before the Board;


Demonstrate clinical competency per 847-020-0182 (SPEX or COMVEX Requirements), 847-020-0183 (Re-Entry to Practice — SPEX or COMVEX Examination, Re-Entry Plan), 847-050-0043 (Inactive Registration and Re-Entry to Practice), 847-070-0045 (Inactive Registration and Re-Entry to Practice), or 847-080-0021 (Competency Examination and Re-Entry to Practice).


The Board may deny reactivation based on grounds for denial of licensure provided in Oregon Revised Statutes chapter 677 or Oregon Administrative Rules chapter 847.

Source: Rule 847-008-0055 — Reactivation Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-008-0055.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-008-0055’s source at