OAR 847-008-0065
Use of Name


Each licensee of the Board must be licensed under licensee’s legal name and must practice under that legal name.


“Legal name” means the first name, middle name and last or surname, without the use of initials or nicknames and is the name given at birth or subsequently acquired through marriage, court order, adoption or naturalization.


When a name is changed, all of the following must be submitted to the Board within 30 days of the name change:


A signed change of name notification affidavit provided by this Board;


The returned original Oregon license and license card, or engrossed certificate, whichever is applicable.


Violation of this rule will result in a $195 fine and may be cause for further disciplinary action by the Board.

Source: Rule 847-008-0065 — Use of Name, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-008-0065’s source at