OAR 847-008-0045
Failure to Apply for Registration


A license or certificate shall be considered delinquent if not renewed by the first day of the final month of the registration period.


A license or certification shall lapse if not received in the Board office during regular business hours on or before the final day of the registration period.


A licensee who wishes to officially surrender license must submit the engrossed license and wallet-sized card. This must be done prior to the expiration of registration.


Should a licensee continue to practice while a license or certificate is lapsed, that individual shall be considered practicing without a valid license or certificate, and may be subject to prosecution under ORS 677.205 (Grounds for discipline), or may be subject to discipline by the Board.

Source: Rule 847-008-0045 — Failure to Apply for Registration, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-008-0045.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-008-0045’s source at