OAR 918-225-0240

As used in OAR 918, division 225, unless the context requires otherwise:


“Agricultural Purposes” means:


Sowing, tending, and harvesting of products of the soil grown under natural conditions;


Raising of poultry or fowl;


Pasturage or raising of livestock or other animals; or


Original processing of the farm product, but not the processing of the product of a different operator, or reprocessing work as freezing, canning, or packing if performed substantially for commercial purposes.


“Available” to determine inspection fees at cost, means the vessels must be due for inspection in the year the notification is applicable, and must all be ready for inspection at the time designated by the inspector.


“Board” is defined in ORS 480.515 (Definitions for ORS 480.510 to 480.670)(2).


“Boiler Room” means any enclosed room or designated space within a building, intended by design or by usage to contain a boiler that is connected and available for use. A boiler located in an area not meeting the definition of “boiler room” under OAR 918-225-0465 (Boiler Room Usage) shall apply to any space within 20 feet of any burner.


“Building Service Piping” means piping systems operating at or less than 150 psig steam; and water at or less than 160 psig and 250o F as described in ANSI/ASME Standard B31.9.


“Chief Inspector” means the inspector appointed by the director pursuant to ORS 480.565 (Chief and deputy inspectors)(1).


“Farm” means an area of land:


Located in a rural district;


Of sufficient size to generally be considered as a farm in its locale; and


Devoted primarily to tillage and raising crops under natural conditions, or to raising animals, fowl, or poultry.


“Emergency” as used in ORS 480.630 (Licensing of boiler contractors and persons installing, altering or repairing boilers or pressure vessels)(6) means an unplanned circumstance requiring immediate repair, installation, replacement, or shutdown because of risk to health, life, or property.


“Hobby” or “Demonstration” means recreational or other noncommercial use.


“Immediate Safety Hazard” means hazardous conditions exist requiring immediate correction to a boiler, pressure vessel, or pressure piping system to preserve the safety of people or property.


“Installation” means, but is not limited to, permanently placing in its final operating position, assembling, or connecting a boiler, pressure vessel, boiler controls, or related appurtenances for service or use. Installation includes, but is not limited to, connecting water, steam, air, refrigerant, fuel source, or other product piping to or from a boiler or pressure vessel. Merely transporting, moving or temporarily positioning a boiler or pressure vessel is not an installation. For the purposes of these rules, an electrical power supply connection to a boiler or pressure vessel is not an installation.


“National Board” means the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.


“Operating” means any vessel connected and ready for service.


“Person” means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental subdivision, or public or private organization of any character.


“Place of Public Assembly” means a building used or held for use, in whole or in part, for worship; health treatment; rest, recuperation, or retirement living; child care nurseries or institutions; public meetings; education; instruction; entertainment; eating; recreation; or awaiting transportation.


“Pressure Piping” means piping systems and components under the scope of ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, and B31.9.


“Pressure Relief Valve” means a valve activated by inlet static pressure which opens in proportion to the increase in pressure over the opening pressure range. Only ASME approved valves are allowed under the boiler rules.


“Pressure Vessel” is defined in ORS 480.515 (Definitions for ORS 480.510 to 480.670)(12).


“Process Piping Inspector” means the owner’s inspector, for the inspection of ASME B31.3 Process Piping, Category “M” fluid service only.


“Psig” means pounds per square inch gauge pressure.


“Related Appurtenance” is defined in ORS 480.515 (Definitions for ORS 480.510 to 480.670)(13).


“Repair” means:


Welded or Riveted Repairs, meaning welding or riveting within or on the pressure boundaries of a boiler, pressure vessel or related appurtenance to restore the vessel or appurtenance to a safe and satisfactory operating condition, or any work that might impair the integrity of the pressure retaining item;


Non-welded Major Repairs, meaning work performed on a boiler or pressure vessel and its related appurtenances by non-welded means to restore the vessel or appurtenance to a safe and satisfactory operating condition, including but not limited to the replacement of burners, tubes and cast iron sections; and


Minor Repairs, meaning the non-welded replacement of safety devices, including but not limited to, low water cut-offs, pressure relief valves, safety valves, safety switches, rupture discs, high pressure or temperature limits, low pressure or temperature limits, fuel train components, flame detectors, flame safeguards, heat exchanger elements, and burner components.


“Safety Valve” means a valve activated by inlet static pressure and characterized by rapid opening or pop action. Only ASME approved valves are allowed under the boiler rules.


“Same Location,” to determine inspection fees at cost, means that all vessels are within 2,000 feet of one another.


“Service of Process” means deposit in the U.S. mail a copy of a notice addressed to the respondent at the respondent’s last known address.


“Single Family Dwelling” means a one-family dwelling structure.


“Structure” means a building or shed with a roof and enclosed on the sides 75 percent or more.


“Traction Boiler” means a boiler constructed before January 1, 1961, designed to operate or pull equipment, or to convert steam power into a flywheel energy driving apparatus such as a thresher, road roller, or grinding equipment.


“Vessel That is Considered Subject to Corrosion or Erosion” means the vessel contains or is intended to contain contents having a corrosive or erosive effect on any portion of the vessel. The use of glass linings leaves a vessel subject to corrosion unless all portions of the vessel are impervious to the corrosive or erosive effects of the contents.

Source: Rule 918-225-0240 — Definitions, .

Exemptions for Fired Water Heaters
Exemptions for Refrigerant Piping Systems
Exemptions for Process Piping Systems
Exemptions for Refrigerant or Air Conditioning Pressure Vessels
Exemptions for Unfired Pressure Vessels With an Inside Diameter of Six Inches and Less
Exemptions for Pressure Containing Parts of Piping Components
Exemptions for Hot Water Storage Tanks
Exemptions for Certain Pressure Vessels
Exemptions for Certain Miniature Boilers
Exemptions for Coil-Type Water Boilers
Exemptions for Refrigeration Chillers
Adopted Oregon Boiler and Pressure Vessel Specialty Code
Amendments to the Oregon Boiler and Pressure Vessel Specialty Code
Other Installation Standards
Manufacturer’s Data Reports
Reporting of Accidents and Conditions of Use
Boiler Room Usage
Boiler Operation
Installation of Buried Vessels
Scope of Special Inspector’s Authority
Responsibility of Inspectors
Process Piping Inspector Responsibilities
Reporting of Immediate Hazards to Health or Safety
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Schedules
Inspection Cycle Extension Program
Issuance and Purchase of Minor Repair Permits
Use of Minor Repair Permits
Scope of Work Allowed under Minor Repair Permit
Inspection of Minor Repair Permits
Misuse of Minor Repair Permits
Bulk Rate Permits
Special Fee for Dryer Permits
Business and Trade License Fees
Practical Experience Requirement
Certification of Special Inspectors
Certification of Process Piping Inspectors
Fees for Inspector Examination, Certification and Renewal
Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Installation, Alteration or Repair Licensing Requirements
Responsibility of Boiler Contractors
Welding Requirements for Owner-Users
Requirements for Businesses Doing Welding or Brazing
Quality Control System for Pressure Piping
Contractor Registration
Filing of Insurance Notices
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-225-0240’s source at