OAR 333-200-0010

As used in OAR 333-200-0000 (Purpose) through 333-200-0295 (Enforcement):
(1) “Area Trauma Advisory Board” (ATAB) means an advisory group appointed by the Authority for each established trauma area to represent providers of trauma care and members of the public.
(2) “Authority” means the Oregon Health Authority.
(3) “Categorization” means a process for determining the level of a hospital’s trauma care capability and commitment which allows any hospital which meets criteria to receive trauma patients.
(4) “Communications coverage area” means a geographic region representing a primary radio service area for emergency medical communications. When primary service areas substantially overlap they will be considered as one coverage area.
(5) “Coordinated care organization” has the meaning given that term in OAR 410-141-0000.
(6) “Designation” means a competitive process for determining the level of a hospital’s trauma care capability and commitment, allowing the Authority to select a limited number of hospitals which meet criteria to receive trauma patients.
(7) “Emergency medical condition” means a medical condition that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity that a prudent layperson possessing an average knowledge of health and medicine would reasonably expect that failure to receive immediate medical attention would place the health of a person, or a fetus, in the case of a pregnant woman, in serious jeopardy.
(8) “Emergency Medical Responder” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an Emergency Medical Responder.
(9) “Emergency Medical Services provider” (EMS provider) means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an Emergency Medical Responder or an Emergency Medical Technician.
(10) “Emergency Medical Technician” (EMT) means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an Emergency Medical Technician.
(11) “Glasgow Coma Scale” (GCS) means an internationally recognized scoring system for the assessment of head injury severity and degree of coma.
(12) “Hospital” has the meaning set forth in ORS 442.015 (Definitions)(15).
(13) “Injury Severity Score” (ISS) means a method for quantifying the degree of anatomic injury. As described in Baker, S.P., O’Neill B., Haddon W. Jr., et al: The Injury Severity Score, Journal of Trauma, 1974, 14: 187-196.
(14) “Level I (regional) trauma hospital” means a hospital which is categorized or designated by the Authority as having met the trauma hospital resource standards for a Level I hospital, as described in Exhibit 4. Level I hospitals manage severely injured patients, provide trauma related medical education and conduct research in trauma care.
(15) “Level II (area) trauma hospital” means a hospital categorized or designated by the Authority as having met the trauma hospital resource standards for a Level II hospital, as described in Exhibit 4. Level II hospitals manage the severely injured patient.
(16) “Level III (local) trauma hospital” means a hospital categorized or designated by the Authority as having met the trauma hospital resource standards for a Level III hospital, as described in Exhibit 4. Level III hospitals provide resuscitation, stabilization, and assessment of the severely injured patient and provide either treatment or transfer the patient to a higher level trauma system hospital as described in Exhibit 5.
(17) “Level IV (community) trauma hospital” means a hospital categorized or designated by the Authority as having met the hospital resource standards for a Level IV hospital, as described in Exhibit 4. Level IV hospitals provide resuscitation and stabilization of the severely injured patient prior to transferring the patient to a higher level trauma system hospital.
(18) “Managed health care organization” means a health care provider or a group or organization of medical service providers that provide for the delivery of an agreed upon set of medical or referral services for an enrolled group of individuals and families in a defined geographic area at a fixed periodic rate paid per enrolled individual or family.
(19) “Medical direction” means physician responsibility for the operation and evaluation of prehospital emergency medical care performed by emergency care providers.
(20) “Off-line medical direction” means the direction provided by a physician to prehospital emergency medical care providers through communications such as written protocols, standing orders, education and quality improvement reviews.
(21) “On-line medical direction” means the direction provided by a physician to prehospital emergency medical care providers through radio, telephone, or other real time communication.
(22) “Oregon Trauma Registry” means the trauma data collection and analysis system operated by the Authority.
(23) “Prehospital response time” means the length of time between the notification of a provider and the arrival of that provider’s emergency medical service unit(s) at the incident scene.
(24) “Stabilization” means that, within reasonable medical probability, no material deterioration of an emergency medical condition is likely to occur.
(25) “State Trauma Advisory Board” (STAB) means an advisory group appointed by the Authority to represent providers of trauma care.
(26) “Trauma patient” means a person who at any time meets field triage criteria for inclusion in the Oregon Trauma System, as described in Exhibit 2 of these rules.
(27) “Trauma system hospital” means a hospital categorized or designated by the Authority to receive and provide services to trauma patients.
(28) “Trauma system plan” means a document which describes the policies, procedures and protocols for a comprehensive system of prevention and management of traumatic injuries.
(29) “Triage criteria” means the parameters established to identify trauma patients for treatment in accordance with the trauma system plan. These criteria are set forth in Exhibit 2.
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Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-200-0010’s source at