OAR 333-200-0235
Trauma Hospital Application

(1) Application for a hospital to be categorized as a Level I, II, III or IV trauma hospital shall be submitted in writing on a form prescribed by the Authority.
(2) The application process shall provide for at least 60 days in which to complete and submit proposals to the Authority with all supporting information and documents.
(3) The Authority’s evaluation of the application shall include:
(a) A review of the hospital’s proposal by the Authority or survey team; and
(b) A survey conducted by the Authority and survey team of the hospital in accordance with OAR 333-200-0245 (Trauma Survey and Survey Team).
(4) The application shall become the property of the Authority and upon completion of the approval process is not subject to disclosure in accordance with ORS 431A.090 (Designation of other trauma centers).
(5) The applicant shall have the right to withdraw its application at any time prior to dispositive action by the Authority.

Source: Rule 333-200-0235 — Trauma Hospital Application, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-200-0235’s source at