OAR 333-200-0070
Approval of Area Trauma System Plans


Each ATAB shall recommend to the Authority an area trauma system plan and, when deemed necessary by the Authority or the ATAB, modifications to the plan.


Area trauma system plans shall meet the minimum standards established in OAR 333-200-0080 (Standards for Area Trauma System Plans).


The Authority may grant waivers from one or more standards contained in OAR 333-200-0080 (Standards for Area Trauma System Plans), in an area trauma system plan if the ATAB can demonstrate, or the Authority finds that compliance with such standards is inappropriate because of special circumstances which would render compliance unreasonable, burdensome or impractical. Such waivers may be limited in time or may be conditioned as necessary to protect the public welfare.


The Authority shall seek the advice of the STAB concerning the approval of area trauma system plans and approval of subsequent proposals for major modifications.


All approved area trauma system plans shall be considered the standard of care for the area covered by the plan.


Each ATAB shall review its area trauma system plan at least once every five years and submit to the Authority:


A copy of the plan; and


A description of any proposed changes including a statement about why such changes are necessary.

Source: Rule 333-200-0070 — Approval of Area Trauma System Plans, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-200-0070.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-200-0070’s source at