OAR 333-200-0040
Trauma System Areas

The Authority has established seven trauma system areas utilizing county lines, zip codes, township and range, and roads for the purpose of developing, implementing and monitoring the trauma system and not for the purpose of restricting patient referrals. The trauma system areas are illustrated in Exhibit 1 and are:


Area 1: Clackamas County; Clatsop County; Columbia County; Multnomah County; Tillamook County (except zip codes 97122, 97135 and 97149); Washington County; and Yamhill County (zip codes 97115, 97119, 97123, 97132, 97140 and 97148 only);


Area 2: Benton County; Lincoln County; Linn County; Polk County; Marion County; Tillamook County (zip codes 97122, 97135 and 97149 only); and Yamhill County (except zip codes 97115, 97132 and 97148);


Area 3: Coos County; Curry County (zip codes 97450, 97465, and 97476 only); Douglas County; and Lane County;


Area 5: Curry County (zip codes 97406, 97415 and 97444 only); Jackson County; and Josephine County;


Area 6: Gilliam County; Hood River County; Sherman County; and Wasco County (except zip codes 97001, 97057 and 97761);


Area 7: Crook County; Deschutes County; Grant County; Harney County; Jefferson County; Klamath County; Lake County; Wasco County (zip codes 97001, 97057 and 97761 only); and Wheeler County; and


Area 9: Baker County, Malheur County, Morrow County; Umatilla County; Union County; and Wallowa County.

Source: Rule 333-200-0040 — Trauma System Areas, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-200-0040’s source at