OAR 407-047-0610
Investigations of Third-Party: Definitions

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply to these rules, OAR 407-047-0600 (Investigations of Third-Party: Purpose and Scope) through 407-047-0730 (Investigations of Third-Party: Lay Representative):


“Abuse” has the same meaning as defined in 419B.005 (Definitions) (see OAR 407-047-0670 (Investigations of Third-Party: Exception to Completing an Investigation) (2)).


“Abuse determination” means the determination OTIS makes after an investigation under these rules (OAR 407-047-0600 (Investigations of Third-Party: Purpose and Scope) through 407-047-0730 (Investigations of Third-Party: Lay Representative)) that a report of abuse is founded, unfounded, or unable to determine as described in OAR 407-047-0680 (Investigations of Third-Party: Abuse Determination)(1).


“Abuse investigation report” means the report the OTIS investigator completes as provided in OAR 407-047-0690 (Investigations of Third-Party: Abuse Investigation Report) on a report of abuse that is determined to require an investigation under OAR 407-047-0630 (Investigations of Third-Party: Determining OTIS Response for Third-Party Professionals) or OAR 407-047-0640 (Investigations of Third-Party: Determining OTIS Response for Other Third-Party).


“Alleged victim” means the child who is reported, alleged, or determined to be subjected to abuse under these rules (OAR 407-047-0600 (Investigations of Third-Party: Purpose and Scope) through 407-047-0730 (Investigations of Third-Party: Lay Representative)).


“Business days” means all consecutive calendar days, not counting Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays as defined in ORS 187.010 (Legal holidays).


“Child” means an unmarried person who:


Is under 18 years of age; or


Is under 21 years of age and residing in or receiving care or services at a child-caring agency as defined in ORS 418.205 (Definitions for ORS 418.205 to 418.327, 418.470, 418.475, 418.950 to 418.970 and 418.992 to 418.998).


“Department” means the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS).


“Indian child” as defined in 25 U.S.C. § 1903(4) means any unmarried individual who is under age 18 and either:


Is a member or citizen of an Indian tribe; or


Is eligible for membership or citizenship in an Indian tribe and is the biological child of a member or citizen of an Indian tribe.


“Investigation” as defined in ORS 419B.005 (Definitions)(4) means a detailed inquiry into or assessment of the safety of a child alleged to have experienced abuse. “Investigation” does not include screening activities conducted upon the receipt of a report.
(10) “Law enforcement agency” has the same meaning as defined in ORS 419B.005 (Definitions)(5).


“Legal guardian” means, for an individual under the age of 18, the parent, unless a court appoints another person or agency to act as the individual’s guardian.


“OTIS investigator” means a Department: Office of Training, Investigations and Safety (OTIS) employee who is authorized and receives OTIS approved training to screen or investigate reports of abuse under OAR 407-047-0600 (Investigations of Third-Party: Purpose and Scope) through 407-047-0730 (Investigations of Third-Party: Lay Representative).


“OTIS response” means how OTIS will respond to a report of abuse that is determined at the conclusion of the OTIS screening process.


“Other Third-Party” means an adult who is not the alleged victim’s parent, caregiver, guardian, or other member of the alleged victim’s household, and who is not responsible for the alleged victim’s care, custody, and control.


“OYA foster home” means a home with foster parents certified by OYA under OAR chapter 416 division 530 who demonstrate special competence to supervise youth offenders with serious social or behavioral maladaptive characteristics in a youth offender foster home setting.


“Reasonable cause” means a subjectively and objectively reasonable belief, given all of the circumstances and based on specific and articulable facts (ORS 419B.150 (When protective custody authorized)).


“Reasonable suspicion” for purposes of complying with ORS 419B.023 (Duties of person conducting investigation under ORS 419B.020) (Karly’s Law) means a reasonable belief given all the circumstances, based upon specific and describable facts, that the suspicious physical injury may be the result of abuse.


“Redacted” means information deemed confidential under state or federal law that has been protected from view.


“Reporter” means an individual who makes a report of suspected child abuse to the Department.


“Respondent” means the adult alleged to have committed abuse.


“Screening” means the process used by OTIS to determine the response to reports that are determined to be the responsibility of OTIS.


“Severe harm” as defined in ORS 419B.150 (When protective custody authorized) means:


Life -threatening damage; or


Significant or acute injury to a person’s physical, sexual, or psychological functioning.


“Sex trafficking” as defined in ORS 419B.354 (Placement in congregate care residential setting)(1)(b) means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of an individual under the age of 18 for the purpose of a commercial sex act.


“Suspicious physical injury” has the same meaning as defined in ORS 419B.023 (Duties of person conducting investigation under ORS 419B.020) (Karly’s Law).


“Third-party abuse” means abuse by a person who is not the alleged victim’s parent, caregiver, guardian, or other member of the alleged victim’s household, and who is not responsible for the alleged victim’s care, custody, and control.


“Guardian” means an individual who has been granted guardianship of a child through a judgment of the court.


“Household” means an association of persons who live in the same home or dwelling and may be related by blood, adoption, or marriage or may be unrelated persons residing in the same home or dwelling as the child.


“Third-party professional” means an adult who is employed, certified, licensed, contracted or overseen by a regulatory entity and has contact with the child because of the adult’s position or occupation.

Source: Rule 407-047-0610 — Investigations of Third-Party: Definitions, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=407-047-0610.

Investigations in Schools: Purpose and Scope
Investigations in Schools: Definitions
Investigations in Schools: Screening Activities
Investigations in Schools: Determining Response
Investigations in Schools: Notifications at the Conclusion of Screening
Investigations in Schools: Investigating Reports of Abuse
Investigations in Schools: Exception to Completing an Investigation
Investigations in Schools: Abuse Determination
Investigations in Schools: Abuse Investigation Report
Investigations in Schools: Notifications at the Conclusion of an Investigation
Investigations in Schools: Confidentiality
Investigations in Schools: Contested Case Hearings
Investigations in Schools: Lay Representative
Investigations in Child Care: Purpose and Scope
Investigations in Child Care: Definitions
Investigations in Child Care: Screening Activities
Investigations in Child Care: Determining Response
Investigations in Child Care: Notifications at the Conclusion of Screening
Investigations in Child Care: Investigating Reports of Abuse
Investigations in Child Care: Exception to Completing an Investigation
Investigations in Child Care: Abuse Determination
Investigations in Child Care: Abuse Investigation Report
Investigations in Child Care: Notifications at the Conclusion of an Investigation
Investigations in Child Care: Confidentiality
Investigations in Child Care: Contested Case Hearings
Investigations in Child Care: Lay Representative
Investigations of Third-Party: Purpose and Scope
Investigations of Third-Party: Definitions
Investigations of Third-Party: Screening Activities
Investigations of Third-Party: Determining OTIS Response for Third-Party Professionals
Investigations of Third-Party: Determining OTIS Response for Other Third-Party
Investigations of Third-Party: Notifications at the Conclusion of Screening
Investigations of Third-Party: Investigating Reports of Abuse
Investigations of Third-Party: Exception to Completing an Investigation
Investigations of Third-Party: Abuse Determination
Investigations of Third-Party: Abuse Investigation Report
Investigations of Third-Party: Notifications and Report Distribution
Investigations of Third-Party: Confidentiality
Investigations of Third-Party: Contested Case Hearings
Investigations of Third-Party: Lay Representative
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 407-047-0610’s source at or​.us