OAR 409-045-0030
Oregon Common Credentialing Program

(1) The Oregon Common Credentialing Program is established within the Authority for the purpose of providing a credentialing organization access to information necessary to credential or recredential a health care practitioner.
(2) The program shall include, but is not limited to the following:
(a) An electronic system through which health care practitioner credentialing information must be submitted.
(b) A process by which health care practitioners or designees may access the system to submit information necessary for credentialing.
(c) A process by which credentialing organizations may access and retrieve health care practitioner credentialing information.
(d) A process by which boards may access health care practitioner credentialing information.
(e) Coordination with boards and the process of primary source verification of credentialing information.
(3) The Authority shall:
(a) Conduct a voluntary pilot phase of the program to ensure the program successfully meets criteria determined by the Authority in consultation with the Common Credentialing Advisory Group;
(b) Identify a mandated program start date in this rule using the public rulemaking process once success criteria are met in the pilot phase; and
(c) Provide notification of the mandated program start date at least six months prior to that date to ensure practitioners, designees, and credentialing organizations have time to prepare for mandated participation.

Source: Rule 409-045-0030 — Oregon Common Credentialing Program, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=409-045-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-045-0030’s source at