OAR 409-045-0055
Health Care Practitioner Participation

(1) Health care practitioners required to be credentialed by a credentialing organization shall submit and attest to credentialing information and documentation in the system when initially applying to be credentialed with any credentialing organization or at least 90 days prior to the health care practitioner’s next recredentialing date with any credentialing organization. Practitioners who have an application in process prior to the mandated program start date to be credentialed or recredentialed by an organization shall continue with the organization’s preferred process, but must use the System the next time they need to be credentialed or recredentialed.
(2) Health care practitioners may assign a designee to submit credentialing information and documentation to the system.
(3) Health care practitioners must update their credentialing information when changes occur and attest to the accuracy of all credentialing information and documentation submitted by the health care practitioner or their designee in the system.
(4) Attestation of credentialing information must occur once the complete initial credentialing application information is submitted. Re-attestation must occur within 120 days from the date of the initial attestation and every 120 days thereafter. If credentialing information is updated and attested to by a provider outside of this 120 day re-attestation cycle, the next required re-attestation shall be due 120 days from the most recent attestation.
(5) Health care practitioners credentialed by only one credentialing organization are not required to reattest every 120 days, but must update their credentialing information when changes occur and attest to the accuracy of all credentialing information and documentation submitted by the health care practitioner at least 90 days to the recredentialing date assigned by the credentialing organization for which the health care practitioner must be recredentialed.
(6) Health care practitioners credentialed in Oregon as of the mandated program start date shall pay a one-time application fee to the Authority assessed at enrollment into the system. After the mandated program start date has passed, new practitioners shall pay a one-time application fee due at initial application submittal.
(7) Health care practitioners may petition the Authority for consideration of a waiver from the electronic submission of credentialing information and documentation required in this rule if hardware or service constraint or physical impairment exists that impedes the health care practitioner’s ability to use the system. The Authority shall:
(a) Provide a petition form and process for paper submission to the system for health care practitioners on the program’s website at http://www.oregon.gov/oha/HPA/OHIT-OCCP/;
(b) Evaluate and approve or deny health care practitioners petitions; and
(c) Review approved waivers at least every two years for validity.

Source: Rule 409-045-0055 — Health Care Practitioner Participation, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=409-045-0055.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-045-0055’s source at