OAR 409-045-0060
Use of Health Care Practitioner Information

(1) A credentialing organization that, in good faith, uses credentialing information provided by the system for the purposes of credentialing health care practitioners is immune from civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed with respect to the use of that credentialing information.
(2) Health care practitioner information obtained by a credentialing organization through the system may only be used for the intended purpose of credentialing or for activities related to the management of the credentialing organization provider network.
(3) All health care practitioner information that is received, kept, and maintained in the system, except for general information used for directories, is exempt from public disclosure under ORS 192.410 to 192.505. For the purposes of this subsection, general information used for directories is limited to practitioner name, specialty, and city of practice location.

Source: Rule 409-045-0060 — Use of Health Care Practitioner Information, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-045-0060’s source at