OAR 409-045-0045
Health Care Regulatory Board Participation
(2) A board that provides information to the system must also provide an annual attestation to the Authority that clearly identifies the board’s specific practices related to the process of primary source verification of health care practitioner information.
(3) Use of practitioner information provided by boards shall be authorized through data use agreements that define the rights to use or disclose the practitioner information and any limitations to that use.
(4) A board unable to provide information to the system prior to the mandated program start date may submit a petition to the Authority for consideration of a waiver from the requirements of section (1). The Authority shall approve or deny petitions and review waivers at least every two years for validity. The petition for a waiver must include:
(a) The name of the board;
(b) The phone number and email address for the board contact person;
(c) A description of specific barrier to submitting information and documentation;
(d) Efforts or ideas to address the barrier and the timeframe for doing so; and
(e) The identification of support, including funding, needed to accomplish the efforts or ideas.